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Showing posts from April 15, 2012

VIDEO | Flailing leg of an eye spider demon

Much better footage of an eye spider demon was captured, after pulling one from a crop of hairs off the back of my hand. In this video, the decloaked leg of an eye spider demon flails between my fingers, right before vanishing into thin air: An eye spider demon looks similar to a daddy-long-leg spider, but without the joints in the legs and without any visible midsection (rather, it appears that the hair-like legs, which are curled just like arm hair when resting, simply meet at a single point.

VIDEO | Eye spider demon traveling under my skin

After feeling the tell-tale signs of an eye spider demon traveling somewhere on my head or neck, I use my cellphone camera to capture a better picture of it. Doing so has been nearly impossible, in that they can cloak, as well as dive into your body; and, they sometimes emit a type of radiation that interferes with a camera. But, even without all of that, they are lightning fast, and generally to quick for a cellphone camera—unless they are under your skin, that is. The following video is of an eye spider traveling up my back and over my shoulder, while underneath my skin. Because the camera is moving in the opposite direction, the sighting is brief; but, you can hear the sound of it moving under my skin quite readily, if your volume is turned up. Based on a multitude of encounters with this particular demonic entity, I have learned much about the limitations of the cloak used by demons. One is that, although there is barely any tangible mass at first when touching a cloaked d

Psalm 140 sums up most earnest prayer

Psalm 140—it helps to know someone else has been through my situation and was able to write poetry about it later. And, it really helps to know God takes these kinds of problems seriously. My most earnest prayers mirror this completely, and it asks for everything— everything —I need right now: Keep me, O Lord, from the hands of the wicked; Preserve me from violent men Who have proposed to trip up my feet. The proud have hidden a trap for, and cords; They have spread a net by the wayside; They have set snares for me. I said to the Lord, "You are my God; Give ear, O Lord, to the voice of my supplications. O God the lOrd, the strength of my salvation, You have covered my head in the day of battle. Do not grant, O Lord, the desires of the wicked; Do not promote his evil device, that they not be exalted. New American Standard Bible 4 Keep me, O L ORD , from the hands of the wicked;          Preserve me from violent men          Who have purposed to trip up my fe

New apartment "haunted" by demon spectres

My new apartment, which is about half full of demons as compared to the old one, albeit with new faces, is located at 3311 Princeton Way #5, in Santa Clara. The star on the map below happens to point to the exact location of my bedroom, believe it or not: My new apartment at 3311 Princeton Way #5, in Santa Clara, California This apartment found me, in that the very hour of the very day I needed it, my phone rang in response to a roommate ad I placed two months ago. That sounds lucky, unless you factor in all the demonic activity, as well as the fact that I received no calls at all in response to my roommate ad in the two months it was posted. This ad garnered only one response in two months, but not until the very last second, and it led to yet another demon-plagued apartment This apartment is a temporary landing space until I can find a less demon-infested location, if possible (as it turns out, Satan apparently can roam anywhere [Job 1:7]). Like my old apartment, this on

'Landlord' of former haunted apartment sued

Permission to file one of the two my small claims suits against my former landlord was granted, which one, I don't know; what I do know is that it's case number 1-12-SC-048666 per the court's case info site . Case information from The small claims suits ask, separately, for damages from the unlawful refusal of entry (the landlord locked the gates to the apartment grounds, so I had to climb nearly eight feet high, at least three times a day, for nine days), and for relocation expenses (by state and federal law, and by city ordinance, a landlord who unlawfully poses as a landlord—which happens when you rent a building without first obtaining a certificate of occupancy from the city—you have to pay three months fair market rent, plus moving expenses to the tenant you evict). Documents related to my eviction are posted on .

Want to take up demon-watching? Follow me on Google Latitude

If you want to track demonic transit or know where demons are at any given time, follow me online using Google Latitude ( from your desktop or on your GPS-capable cellphone. After all, they go where I go, and most of the time, wait for me at whatever location I intend to go. To be added to my Latitude friends list, just send me your e-mail address to; then, follow the instructions in the invitation e-mail you receive. NOTE |  If you don't get a response within a day, call James at (408) 791-4866. Once you're signed up, watch my Google+ page for announcements on where I intend to go. You can then go there yourself to watch cloaked and camouflaged demons lie in wait, or watch them trailing behind as I arrive.

Landlord's First Drunken Voicemail

Khoa Nguyen, my former landlord to the most widely known nexus of demonic activity in San Jose (aka my apartment), leaves me a drunken voicemail. Download the mp3 at:

Newly discovered demonic activity in months-old Scratchen video

The technique described in Blending Quicktime Video Layers to Penetrate Demon Cloaks was applied to Scratchen's Ear = Fanged Creature in order to highlight demonic activity that was hard-to-see in the original, or was hidden altogether. By applying the special filtering technique, these two new details were discovered: Scratchen's toy string briefly turn itself into a line drawing of a bird, flapping its wings; and, The miniature hand that appeared in the original now shows that it was detaching itself from something gooey. There is a lot more demonic activity in the full-length source video; but, for now, I am limiting it to just two items described above. NOTE | The best way to watch this movie is to play it frame-by-frame.

Skull disfigured in just two days in sucker demon attacks

New photos reveal the aftermath of yet another attack by sucker demons, which, for several days, have been piercing the skin and bone of my head with their hot, needle-like appendages, causing deformities to my skull and constant pain (see also Voices Demons use sucker demons to deform skull, bore holes ). The insertion of a sucker demon's hot, needle-like appendage disfigured bone and burned skin tissue For over three days, I have been fending off the near-constant attacks of these worm-like demons, who were ordered by the Voices Demons to "masturbate a hole in my 'noggin." The Voices Demons have eluded to this eventuality for years; and, now that it has come to pass, one can only dread how the other threats that they have issued will play out. Deformities in my skull caused by sucker demons are evident Since a cloaked sucker demon cannot be seen or felt—except under certain circumstances—I had to wait until I felt the tell-tale burning of its hot, needle-l

Voices Demons announce specifics of plan to cause insanity

According to the Voices Demons, who are adamant about posting any information that could lead to defenses against the attacks of other demons, such as the information provided, announced one of the specifics of their ongoing plan to cause insanity. They said that, "By masturbating on you seven times a night, every night, for eight months, we can make you crazy." NOTE | Masturbating is their commonly used, oddball substitute for a verb describing an egregious act. In this case, it mean to cause a sleep disturbance. Their reason for doing this is intentionally withheld by the Voices Demons, who likely will reveal it at a time when my knowledge of the reason, when combined with a history of being inundated by its constant usage, will have the most negative impact. I'm not sure what they have in mind as far as sleep disturbances go; but, I specifically remember waking up suddenly in a jolt last October, and feeling an all-too-familiar tingling sensation throughout my bo

Electrical conductivity of electronic device affects cloaked demon's ability to maintain contact with human skin

The electrical conductivity of an electronic device's surface may determine whether the electricity circulating through it will shock a cloaked demon that has grabbed onto a human, and therefore affect their ability to retain such contact. If true, this will debunk the theory that a cloaked demon must pass through an electronic device in order to expose themselves to electrical shock, as described in  Sucker demons interfere with electronics on contact, spark when crushed . The new theory is that, by touching surfaces on an electrical device that conduct electricity, such as a touchscreen, they will be shocked. It would explain why touching a laptop has no effect on the laptop or the demon, while a small cellphone with a touchscreen, which uses disruptions to the low-level electric flow run through its surface in order to detect and pinpoint your touch. In other words, it means they have to be grounded, and also means that they are physical in all respects. The observation le

DRAFT (NO PEEKING): Extensive damage to eyes, glasses stolen

After 'masturbating' on my eyesight all day and night long yesterday, the demons stole my glasses, too. Consequently, work on a computer is difficult today. NOTE |  'Masturbate' or 'masturbating' is the Voices Demons word choice for causing me physical pain or injury, and is used with the intention of making it sound or feel like it is my fault. That shouldn't make much of a difference, considering that I am nearsighted—or, at least I was; but, now, there are one-and-a-half computer screens in front of me (not literally), and that happened overnight. My only option is VMC for getting an eye doctor's examination, which almost puts me between a rock and hard place (see Santa Clara Valley Medical Center staff tied to demons ). On or around the day the Voices Demons announced that they were going to blind me—the announcement that launched this blog, in fact (see  Demon attacks )—I would  record on video  my face whenever a demon put its hand (or what

Some demonic animals feel "fuzzy," numb hand

Some demonic animals feel "fuzzy" and cool when you pass your hand through them. That's right: <i>through them</i>. You'll probably never get close enough to a wild animal of the demonic variety to touch it when it's not partially cloaked. That was certainly the case tonight, when I noticed an undulating grayish-black haze around the edge of my bed, and then reached for it. When I touched it, I felt the familiar cool, windy sensation of a demonic animal's cloak,by the usual fuzziness that numbs your hand. I was first introduced to these types of creatures in August 2011 (see, and they were frequent guests in my apartment until December. They were also common in my and my childhood home. Based on my experience only, I am guessing that they are not intended to be here; rather, I think they slip through with a sloppy traveling demon (kind of like when you let flies into the house because you didn't shut the door qu

AUDIO | Listen to voices demons' assault on the mind

The following audio files are demonstrative of a voices demons' attack on the mind, and contain conversations between the Voice Demons I face and their human collaborators. Original Processed recording-1034584830.3gp 2012-04-17 20:27:53 (157 KB) recording-1034584830.3gp 2012-04-17 20:27:53 (157 KB) recording-105550080.3gp 2012-04-17 20:27:37 (12 KB) recording-105550080.3gp 2012-04-17 20:27:37 (12 KB) recording-1173057331.3gp 2012-04-17 20:28:51 (744 KB) recording-1173057331.3gp 2012-04-17 20:28:51 (744 KB) recording-147290876.3gp 2012-04-18 00:01:19 (98 KB) recording-147290876.3gp 2012-04-18 00:01:19 (98 KB) recording-278323379.3gp 2012-04-18 00:01:44 (209 KB) recording-278323379.3gp 2012-04-18 00:01:44 (209 KB) recording-363503583.3gp 2012-04-18 00:01:37 (197 KB) recording-363503583.3gp 2012-04-18 00:01:37 (197 KB) recording387118296.3gp 2012-04-17 20:27:42 (97 KB) recordi

Clicks, pops and squeaks in videos are actually demon chatter

Demons not only come in miniature sizes, but from places with very different environments, where, for example, air pressure and its chemical makeup may require a different way of projecting sound than we are used to (think dolphins and whales). The speech in this audio clip matches what I thought was just noise in  VIDEO TIMELINE | Hobgoblin Demon Jumps on Bed  and in  VIDEO TIMELINE | Miniature Hobgoblin Demon Hops Past Camera . But, unlike animals under the sea, some demons live (or work) at different speeds. This may be because their ability (or preference) to alter the flow of time around them—some speak so slow that they sound like a rumble when recorded, while some speak so fast they sound like a squeak. In this original recording of the Voices Demons conversing with humans somewhere in my apartment (the attic?), you can hear a rustling sound that sounds like my hand moving across the trackpad on my MacBook Air; but, when played at a slowed rate, lowered pitch, amplif

Demons: 'We own this town'

The Voices Demons reminded me today—as they do quite often—that they "own this town," namely, San Jose, and that, by using their alleged connections to the Bay Area police agencies, I would be brought back immediately if I ever tried to "escape." NOTE |   Certain police officers have indicated their involvement with—or at least their awareness of—Voices Demons and the like by using demonic vernacular (see [link]), which is the way all humans indicate their complicity with the demonic agenda to intimidate a demons' target. Now that they are overtly and routinely violent, they must have felt it necessary to broach the topic yet again. Just before then, they moved a toilet sitting outside my former landlord's house into my path while I was carrying a moving box (see Demons can and do move walls to cause injury ). The result was a lot of pain, as well as a scrape with swelling on the lower part of my right knee—one of the Voices Demons most often targeted pa

TECHNOLOGY | Remove color-banding from iMovie '11 web video exports

To eliminate the color banding in an iMovie '11 video exported with Quicktime using H.264-compressed (or MPEG-4) compression, export the movie instead using the high-quality Apple ProRes 422 compression type; then, convert it with Quicktime Player X using the 480p format for the same high quality Apple ProRes 422 compression affords, while meeting the size-limitation and compression-type limits imposed by the video sharing sites you use. Color banding is the most common problem in videos exported by iMovie '11 to video-sharing web sites, such YouTube, Facebook and Vimeo, using its Share feature; this also applies to iMovie '11 video exported with Quicktime using the H.264 compression type. It appears as thick bands of color instead of a smooth, tapering gradient in portions of an image where light recedes into shadow or when one color blends into another. Videos exported by iMovie '11 using H.264 compression result in color-banding Unfortunately, the mos

Sucker demon caught on video tangling sheets

A sucker demon, which looks identical to the one in  Oliver Conceals a Sucker Demon , slithered in-and-out of my sheets and clothes yesterday, and is shown in a video, sling-shotting out from behind my makeshift pillow, after messing with my blankets, which similar to  Demon Pulls, Shakes Pillow . In that video, a small, man-skeleton-like creature is shown on video yanking on my pillow as I try adjust it. ALSO: SEE on VIMEO Small as these things might seem—particularly, considering the other demonic antics I've endured—they  have taken a huge toll on my health, not to mention the tax this has placed on my mind overall. These two videos were only made about six months apart; but, every night since, I have been deprived of sleep in this way. As a consequence, I have aged 10 years in less than three. This is not just a random consequence of the demons' actions—demons that can kill me at a moment's notice; rather, it is the specific intent. Not only do they announc