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Showing posts from March 11, 2012

Family stalls plan for respite, in spite of injury and suffering at hands of demons

In spite of the injuries I've sustained and the suffering that continues on a minute-by-minute basis, certain family members, who are more knowledgeable than they lead on, are adding extra steps to obtaining their assistance than are necessary in order to delay my escape from the flames of Hell. In this email, for example, my grandmother pretends she did not receive my first cry for help: In another e-mail, my mother wants to make sure it's okay for me to come, when I already told her it was, as if I am the one hiding things, and am otherwise untrustworthy—and not being hurt: Jimmy, Call me with your probation officers number so we are clear on whether or not it's OK for you to come home.  We would love to be able to see you. This isn't a lack of understanding on their part; how could you ignore what everyone has seen with their own eyes? Rather, it appears to be complicity with the problem and those who are causing it. More on the history of

Daily Gratitude and Prayer

My gratitude, as expressed to God, upon waking this morning, was waking up to still-functioning equipment (modded cellphone is working great): Other things I was grateful for included an apartment that was not too cold, in spite of a broken heater; a person's expression of interest in my Google+ postings, specifically, a fellow Christian, and the lack of further injury from demons, as far as I can tell. And, last but not least, the very thing I prayed for multiple times a day—every day—while unjustly incarcerated for nearly three years—being with my Scratchie-cat (Scratchen). She looked so happy and content this morning. I wanted that more than anything, and God beat back evil for me so I could have it today.

Frequently used words by the voices demons

Certain words are used constantly by the people who work for the Voices Demons, at the direction of the demons themselves, who also use these words in place of verbs and nouns in their sentences. They include: masturbation emasculation pedophile charges and pedophile tendencies and pedophile schizophrenics cogent (adj.)   penectomy the D.A. the F.B.I. dopamine inhibitor remanded The sentences or phrases often used are "masturbate a problem for [insert name], on the docket for remanding..."

Demons forbid masturbation, vow violence otherwise

Demons and their human collaborators (see have, for six years, have attempted to prevent masturbation by their victims. It is not known why; but, the demons, those pictured in the video, and others have spent an inordinate amount of time and energy outside windows and doors insuring that any type of sexual activity by their victims is thwarted or disturbed or otherwise made uncomfortable enough to generating anxiety and phobia regarding sex. The end result may also be to cause enough anger in the victim to cause the victim to lash out in ways they otherwise would not.

Demons vow seven-year incarceration over cellphone mods

For learning how to upgrade a cellphone that the manufacturer has deemed not upgradeable, the Voices Demons, who call themselves, "Tuzzo," claim that they will incarcerate me for seven years, and that I "will get a little beleaguered by his Adam's Apple"—a recurring, but nonsensical phrase.

Demons threaten deception by others over task-list maintenance, attempt to find safe-housing

"James, you are going to be arrestable, but not arrested," the Voices Demons said, in response to downloading Google Tasks management software and my declared intent to find new housing. The latter is essential, in that the City of San Jose Code Enforcement Unit has declared the apartment building in which I live uninhabitable:

Demonic entities made of flesh-and-blood, vulnerable

Light, heat, force and pressure—and even emotion—effect demons in this world; but, this vulnerability is not news. In the Old Testament, we read that Abraham wrestled an angel, which is a demon by another name (and is not to be confused with a holy angel of the Lord), and that Abraham won. We read further that, out of spite and resentment, the angel (or demon) maimed Abraham's hip, so that he walked with a staff for the rest of his life. Similarly, I find that some demons can be handled by conventional means (and, that they can be very spiteful for being handled). We also read in the Book of Tobit (Catholic Bible) that the Angel Raphael instructed Tobias on the use of fish guts in making anti-demon smoke. This implies that demons, or at least Asmodeus, breathe air, and can smell. This correlates to my personal experience, as well, as members of the Red Horde blow their signature scent from their mouths in order to announce their arrival. So, not only do they possess a sense of

Demons pull plug on communication

This morning, the Voices Demons stated that they would prevent me from finishing today's legal tasks, which included a, "Statement of Disqualification of Judge," and then proceeded to distract me at every turn. Still, I finished my work. The last act of their attempt, though, points to complicity by my landlord, Khoa Nguyen, who controls the Internet connection. Just as I was about to post my legal filing and blog updates–one of which reveals a limitation of the Voices Demons that allows for their victims (i.e., anyone they talk to)—this error message appeared on my laptop:

Demonic Qualities Exhibited in Non-Demons

Qualities of demon possession, whether temporary or otherwise, are exhibited in persons so affected in the following ways: the face of a demon will be superimposed over that of the victim, as shown in Demon in the Dark ;  the ability to alter one's appearance manifests itself after long-term exposure to demonic activity, called morphing, as shown in Two of Me , albeit inadvertently and unknowingly to the victim;  supernatural abilities are imparted on the victim, even though they are temporary and are often used without the victim even realizing they used it, as shown in Thing , in which my hand flies off my arm in order to pick up a cellphone on the floor;  demonic creatures will spring from their targets, as is the case with my cat, who is possessed by a small, shrouded and cloaked demon, who can conjure other demonic entities and pass them through her, as shown in Scratchen Channels Fanged Creature ; and,  the face of the victim can be altered completely, as shown in Judge

Where does the Spectre of Death sleep in the day?

Believe it or not, some demonic entities reside (and restore themselves) in people when they're not out and about, doing their thing. I just happen to know where one of them sleeps. The Spectre of Death's, well, specter, lunged out of this man's body, making a play for my cellphone; the man seemed totally unaware, as the Spectre of Death came out of his back while it was turned The Spectre of Death, an El Muerte-like demon that once flew into my apartment in order to thwart my attempt to capture him and his cohorts on video, is hosted in the above-pictured human. Whether he is aware of it or not, I do not know. He probably is, but can also probably do little about it. Following is my first-ever video of the Spectre of Death:

Voices Demons' increase geographical range slowly, arduously

For all the wondrous and magical power they purport to possess, expanding their geographic area of operations still requires a substantial amount of time and effort by Voices Demons. This allows those afflicted by them the option of fleeing by putting some distance between themselves and this insidious demonic scourge. At first, I thought a human possessed by these had to first travel to an area they had never been before, and then remain there long enough for the Voices Demons to establish a presence. I surmised this based on their gradual increase in range, which, as of March 2006, went no further than my front door at 1220 Tasman Drive SPC 379, in Sunnyvale, California, but, by May, had extended to a convenience store five-minutes away, before reaching to nearly everywhere else in the Bay Area of Northern California, including St. Helena, by August; then, it seemed that I was the determinative factor in how far they could go. But that assumption burst when I went to the Santa Cruz

Sucker Demons Join Attack with Red Horde

A closer look at footage from last weekend's demon attack reveals the extensive use of sucker demons, who pulled and pushed at the lighter and can of hairspray, even as they dodged the flames. Although the completed video is not yet ready, here is a preview: The sucker demons, who come in any variety of lengths, widths and colors, are the hardest to see and catch on camera, although they are the strongest and most versatile—and most plentiful—of all demonic entities. The source video can be downloaded from .

Cloaked Demon Revealed in Flames

Cloaked demons are revealed in flames in this series of clips from a video showing an early morning attack by a horde. I woke up to at least five or six of them as they charged my bed. Fortunately, I keep a lighter and can of hairspray handy for just such an event. Although there have been countless such attacks, this morning's constituted my first counter-assault. It went well. They left shortly after receiving a face-full of hot Aqua Net, and I enjoyed—for the first time in years—nearly four hours of demon-free existence (not counting the ones that hover overhead constantly, which, until just recently, have never gotten physical while I was conscious). Later that evening, in a show of arms, they returned with a phalanx of hobgoblins; unfortunately, I ran out of hairspray, and had to actually get—and stay—out of bed. Still, the assault on my eyeballs continued, and my vision also continues to worsen exponentially.

Demons induce sickness, citing impending lifetime incarceration

"We like to masturbate people into a snit before we put them away for the rest of their life," they said today, which, apparently, means that the demons want to make me very sick before putting me behind bars for the rest of my life—their stated goal since 2006. It must be close, then, because they have been putting their hands in and on me all day and night—sometimes waking me up with an electric jolt that sends my limbs flying. As we speak, I am barely able to see the screen, or concentrate long enough to type a complete sentence. I have a video of an invisible hand warping the side of my head as one of them touches my eye from behind. It looks like the light behind me is bending the shape; but, the contrast between the portion of the video in which I am being touched and when I am not is too great to attribute to anything but what it is.

Fighting Hell with Fire

The profile of a demon, masked in fire, as I fend off yet another attack in the middle of the night.

Demons threaten Scratchen

Threats received in the middle of the night: From the Voices Demon that sounds like Jason Fisher (and has claimed to really be  Ray Feldmeier ): "We will hurt you bad, man." From Boopsie , the Voices Demon in the upper register: "We will hurt your cat (pictured, below), if you don't tell us how to help you." They have been ratcheting up their "game," as they call it, more and more as I get closer to a key milestone in a very important lawsuit, which happens to involve a significant number of their people (see ).

Demons refuse questions re ties to childhood terror

Earlier this year, during one of their many episodic displays of terror, the demons trotted out an old childhood demon that calls itself, "Beatrix." The significance was supposed to be that they were a party to the demonic terrors I experienced from ages 5 through 8 (which I had thought were nightmares), whereas before they constantly "reminded" me since they arrived (or, rather, rearrived) wnearly six years ago that they came because I was "not a good Person." Obviously, that won't work now; but, once they belatedly realized that they effectively admitted to terrorizing a child--and that they are quite experienced at it--they refused any and all questions I had regarding this. Naturally, I wanted to know why they didn't tell me before then. That wouldn't be most people's first question; but, they spent (and spend) most of the 24 hours a day they "punish" me telling me the "reasons" I deserve it, and those reasons would

Sucker Demon

A sucker demon, hiding underneath a miniature refrigerator, got caught underneath one of the legs as I moved it; but, instead of squishing it, it sparked blue. The flash was extremely bright, especially given it was daylight, and was similar to the gleam from a welder's torch; and, the popping and crackling sound was as loud as the flash was bright.

Voices Demons: Stupid People Make Us Angry

Although threats are the most prevalent messages by the Voices Demons, tonight, they, "mean business—extra business," for exposing Oliver's role in transporting a sucker demon from the portal in my home to where ever he was told to take it once he left my apartment. As I worked on a new video clip, they said (repeatedly), "Stupid people make us angry, " and, "pedophile charges are on the docket for James B. We are emasculating you, and you cannot see the forest for the trees. You have cogent-ass charges coming," When I didn't stop working on the clip, another one said, "Let me take another swipe at James B." "We don't get you," one of them warned. "Jimmy! We're not playing games with you, now!" Also: "Jimmy! We don't like you right now, so we're not going to give you any more dope." As I type this, "I don't know how masturbated on I feel, but let me take another swipe, anyway.

Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office deputy leaves hat in backyard after night of harassment

Today, a deputy of the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office was seen leaving the home at 479 East Julian Street, where the neighbors and their friends taunted and harassed with their demonic counterparts this weekend. This is the second such sighting of involvement by law enforcement employed by the Sheriff's Office. Several months ago, after neighbors at 469 East Julian Street skulked about in their back yard, making cat calls and other noises during the night—all night—a deputy left his department-issued hat just outside my back window, presumably, to indicate involvement by the Sheriff's Office.

Landlord to lose rentals, home

The City of San Jose Code Enforcement Unit shut down the rentals, one of which I live in, and where most of the demons congregate, last Friday, citing uninhabitability and lack of permits. The building will have to be demolished at the owner's expense; it cannot be renovated for use as apartments. This follows a call to the unit on [date], in which I reported the following issues: [issues]. Related Links: City Enforcement Unit Report Phone Call to City Enforcement Unit Todd Waltrip, City Code Inspector, during his inspection on that same day, said that Khoa Nguyen, the landlord and resident of 479 East Julian Street, is in foreclosure proceedings.

Suit filed for lock-out by landlord, $700 in damages sought

Last week's lockout by the landlord was met with a small claims suit, which seeks $700 in damages for the landlord having locked the gates to the property. On March 1st, I left my apartment early that morning, only to find that I was locked in. I had to climb one of the gates to get out. For the next seven days, I had to climb 7 to 10 foot tall gate structures to enter and leave my apartment. This is against landlord-tenant law in California, and California Civil Code Section 789.3 specifically grants an award of up to $100 a day to the tenant under these circumstances.

#3 - Demonic Threats

Continued threats include: Pancreatitus.  The Voices Demons say they are targeting my pancreas, and that, in the past, an unspecified number of demons and humans, who they refused to name, did something to it twice. Apparently, whatever result they were looking for wasn't achieved by the first thing they did; and, on the second try, they "over-did it." Obesity.  They claim that in the future, I will be obese. Diabetes.  They claim to be able to induce diabetes in people. They say that this is done to make my life sentence in prison that much harder (because, in jails/prisons, the diet tray for diabetics is significantly worse than the regular diet trays, and, of course, there are the periodic insulin injections—one of which is at 2:30 or 3:00 am). Death.  "A poison arrow is waiting for you, James B," the Voices Demons said. I'm not sure what part of my body they intend to injure—if it's even that—but, I am sure that whatever it is they intend to d

#2 - Neighbors have link to demons

Neighbors on both sides have connections to the demonic entities shown in the videos on my Vimeo page : One of the residents at the house next door ( 479 East Julian Street ) is one of the nurses' aides at the Santa Clara County Main Jail; she and I had a bit of a row while I was there over medication. She wanted to use a larger size needle to inject my medication, whereas the doctor indicated a smaller one. Also, she wanted me to skip a dose, whereas the doctor ordered an additional one. Now, I find out that she lives in the house where taunting and other forms of harassment often come from (to hear an example of such harassment, go to  Noise Harassment Example ); and, Residents of the building at 464 East Julian Street , which is on the other side of my apartment, also taunt, especially the children (or the Voices Demons in child-like voices). Often times, they play songs outside that were written and performed by either themselves or their friends, which call me a pedophile (

#1 - Under demonic attack

This weekend's assaults by demons: Physically by the red-headed demon (see  and  to see what red-headed demons look like): Shocked by red-headed demon, the most frequent attacker, in the right kidney; Sickly smell forced in breathing space (i.e., he followed me everywhere I went—grocery store, law library, light rail, and other indoor spaces); Burned (as in hot, temperature-wise) left eyeball multiple times, which happens daily; and, Others things that may have been done to me while unconscious; I had a digital recording of one of the demons speaking with either this demon or a human, which was made while the recorder (i.e., my cellphone was next to me). Since I have no recollection of this conversation, I'm assuming that—once again—I was knocked out. (To see a video of my unconscious body being manipulated and assaulted by demonic entities—one of which as needles sticking out of his fingertips—go to  Assault by D