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Showing posts from May 27, 2018

Authenticity of demonic insignia confirmed

A demonic symbol sent to me by a member of a paranormal-topicized Facebook group combined with a still frame from a video made during a period of high activity, for which a special technique was applied that is required to capture such activity in digital media There are many symbols ascribed to the demonic by humans, but none confirmed as authentic by demons until today. The following still frame was taken from a video made during a period of high activity using the high-duration exposure technique: Elements in this still frame match most (if not all) of those in the insignia below; not only are the lines and curves the same, but so also are the angles I immediately recognized a match between it and a symbol sent to me several months ago by a demon person with membership to a Facebook group that focuses on the paranormal: This is the first piece of solid evidence in my collection presented on this blog that confirms human-demon collaboration , not just knowledge . An i