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Showing posts from July 20, 2014

READER | Husband's meth use catalyst for demonic morphing of human faces

A reader of this blog writes in regards to her husband's meth use and the transformation (or morphing) of human faces into demon ones: He has also seen what people call the physical manifestation of human faces during "shape forming." That's when a person's face changes and moves into hideous contortions, etc., often monstrous or animal-looking during possession and drug use.   A wife recounts her husband's experience with drugs and the demonic morphing of human faces Of course, my blog shows just that very thing on video and in pictures. Here are those posts: VIDEO | Porn actor's face morphs into demon's in porn video VIDEOS | Six videos show my face and body morphing, undergoing supernatural changes VIDEO TIMELINE | Two of Me VIDEO | Orlock-like face morphs into a human one PHOTOS | Physical attributes of orlock expressed during periods of high demonic activity VIDEO/PHOTO | Demonic body double forgets to morph fangs into teeth

PICS | Demons carve faces in bark, not just leaves

This blog is replete with images and videos of demons who have recreated their faces out of leaves, whether those faces be dragons [ see VIDEOS/PHOTOS | Dragons in the trees (and curtains) ] or skulls [ see VIDEOS/PHOTOS | Demons sculpt tree into skull, use street lamps for eyes ] or mere outlines of more human looking faces [ see Giant demon faces make usual appearance during demonic attack ]. Now, however, and even while this trend continues, as shown more recently in P ICS | Scratchen's-eyes illusion (again); metal prongs hook, stretch face; tree demon , demons are carving their faces in bark, as shown in these two still frames taken from videos I made two months ago: Just over my shoulder, in the bark, the face of a demon The original size of the still frame I believe it's part of the demons' intent to better "hide right in front of [our] faces," to put it in their words, and that not just because of the new trend in blending with bark instead of le

VIDEO UPDATE | 'Rock-throwing' incident was actually use of 'Bear Claw of Fire' demonic weapon

What I thought at the time was a rock-throwing incident by neighbors involved with the demons I fight, as shown in  VIDEO | Gang-stalkers caught on camera throwing rocks, skulking in dark , is actually the casting of a demonic weapon used by demon people to injure targets. In the video, the neighbor across the street is caught on camera making a throwing motion towards a hidden camera, which I am behind. In the enlarged and enhanced video, a neighbor is shown throwing—not a rock at my house—but the Bear Claw of Fire at my person [ see on YouTube ] At the time, I thought it was a rock; but, now, after having reviewed the footage later, I recognize the movement as one that launches the Bear Claw of Fire. You can see this weapon in various photos and videos in posts on this blog, including: VIDEO | Needle-fingered demon strikes again PHOTOS/VIDEO | The demonic claws of a tranny, close-up PHOTOS | People—not just demons—taking part in repeated spikes to the brain, head, neck and

Demon people fail at attempt to use powers on their own

News flash for the stupid and blind and those just returning to planet Earth: As it turns out, my high enables both good and evil to come together in apocalyptic ways. It's as if the two sides can't properly war with each other unless I'm tweaking. I (finally) admitted this to someone many, many miles away, whose demon problems (and resultant insanity) only surface when I've shot up crystal meth, as is evidenced by two years of following her online: The seemingly decapitated woman goes by Haarp Ti on Google+  [see other demonic limb amputations ] Here's a portion of the conversation I had with her, unfortunately, during one of her less-than-coherent phases (which only occur during a demonic attack): As she clearly was not understanding what I was saying, I attempt to clarify once she's exhausted her theories and what-not: The demon people know this, too, and that's why, today, and for the past three days, they are all around me, gett