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Showing posts from September 27, 2015

TECHNOLOGY | Calculating global variance and standard deviation with Core Image

This is a tip that can be categorized with all the posts on this blog pertaining to Chroma , as well as any other post related to processing digital media intended to decloak the cloaked. Obviously, it's intended for software programmers; but, is also useful to anyone who is not, in that it shows such persons what they need to aim for given what they're facing. This post also attempts to correct mistakes in other posts, which purport to calculate and employ variance and standard deviation—and which may do so correctly on a local basis—but which do not do so on a global basis. The results of the mistakes were not uninteresting to be sure; but, they misrepresent the meaning and purpose of the measurements, and generally make me look like I've got demons flying in and out of my butt all day, and, accordingly, am not putting as much concentration into my work as is required. Most image-processing work of import and consequence, e.g., exposure fusion, etc., requires the c

AIDS | Dr. Crapo's copy of test results back claim for lying

I'm sure once Dr. Crapo and/or his lawyers gives a certain VMC staff member "the look," I'll bet all he'll be able to do is cringe, and then say, "I didn't know." I'm just guessing here, but it seems unlikely that any VMC staff member would tank another fellow staff member's defense in a pending civil case [ see AIDS | Santa Clara County lawyers skirt Dr. Crapo complaint ], which is tantamount to a criminal case for murder. What didn't he know? Not to send me through the mail a copy of Dr. Crapo's copy of my results for a test which I contend that Dr. Crapo lied about in order to withhold essential prescription medication—testosterone—used to treat a serious, chronic medical condition known as hypogonadism, as described in   AIDS | Dr. Crapo lies, gets caught in same . In that post, Dr. Crapo is shown on video claiming that my then-latest testosterone level test (8/18/2015) showed that my levels had only abated 300 points since the