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Showing posts from October 9, 2016

TECH | Hardware-accelerated H.264 decoding for iPhone (finally)

Although referenced throughout the web, the original cannot be downloaded anywhere else; regardless, it didn't work.In spite of around-the-clock violence of the demonic kind today, I somehow managed to take what is probably the only copy of Apple's non-functioning sample project, VideoTimeline , and make it work— for sure making it the only copy that does. So, nerd that, demon trash! A quick rewrite of the VideoTimeline sample app from Apple Developer Connection, to make it actually work; it uses AVFoundation for reading video data, VideoToolbox for decompressing sample buffer, and OpenGL for post-processing Although referenced throughout the web, the original cannot be downloaded anywhere else; and, even where it can be found, the project files compile, but don't run on iPhone or an iPad simulator. Because there is virtually no documentation or working samples of the VideoToolbox API, developers looking to add the low-level video encoding/decoding functionality pro