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Showing posts from June 25, 2017

CHARITY | Free bike fix-a-flat for the homeless, indigent

Imagine being a garbage person —a society toss-away—relegated to the slow-death and -torture that is homelessness. Imagine your only source of transportation being your feet and your bike. Imagine having no money. Imagine a flat tire. Imagine having to lug your baggage and a bike that doesn't roll around town, from place-to-place, all-day, all-night. Now, imagine getting passed one of these cards: The business card-sized handouts I give to homeless/indigent persons I see on the street riding bikes, offering free inner tube replacement for bike tires They offer free inner tube replacement for bike tires, which are highly susceptible to damage from the rocky and glass-strewn terrain found in most riverbanks and alleyways where homeless people live. For a mere $5 to $10, I can make a homeless persons day and fulfill my duty in Christ: For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink, I was a stranger and you took Me in, I

Stalker posts bond on 4 obscenity charges, trial date set

An update to the case against my stalker , who was arrested by the FBI a few years back , and who was arraigned shortly thereafter  for having, among other things, sent a death threat by mail with a bullet taped to it . A letter finally acknowledging me as some kind of victim in the case against my stalker He taped a bullet to a death threat he sent me by mail— U.S. Postal Service mail . The FBI credited me with his capture. Yet, I have yet to receive a subpoena to my stalker's trial in October, apparently, since I've been classified as a potential witness [ see below ], and not a for-sure witness : Until last week, the District Attorney had no more contact information for me other than my phone number Confused? Were I not the world's most-famous (or infamous) demoniac, maybe; but, still—a bullet...that's kind of a lot. I mean, do I actually have to be shot [ see Night of the Gun Chase ] to get noticed?! Bleak prospects of becoming a full-fledged victim