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Showing posts from December 21, 2014

METHOD #3 | Finding hidden demons in digital media | Aberrating image positives and negatives

I've been busy staring at my screen day-and-night, playing with GIMP scripting to automate the process of applying the scientific imaging methodologies discussed in this post and elsewhere for finding hidden demons in digital media. Of course, the problem of constant violence on the part of demons notwithstanding, there's the problem of making discoveries so fascinating, that I can't part my eyes from them long enough to post much. Because of the three methods introduced on this blog so far, even I, as one who has seen much, am enraptured; you would be, too, if you could sit behind me and watch. I hope to pass that experience on to readers as soon as I can—that is, if I, my equipment, and the digital media sources survive. Tonight, after a tip-off by the Voices Demons—the very same who claim responsibility for deafening Scratchen—I overlapped two blended still frames in Photoshop randomly selected from a video made during this latest period of high demonic activity,...

METHOD #2 | Finding hidden demons in digital media | Differentiating consecutive still frames

This isn't a post about some new picture or video showing yet another demon, nor is it about the fact that I obtained a lot of them, showing hundreds upon hundreds of new demon varieties; rather, it's about how I obtained them, and, more importantly, how you can obtain them for yourself. As I recently found out, there are scores of creatures everywhere—not just in my clothes, house, appliances, toilet, toilet paper and wherever and whatever else is in my immediate vicinity—and that it's just a matter of finding the right means of discovery. [once you find them, where to look section]... [ex 1: on your person, and at different angles]... Believe it or not, I saw the demon before I recognized who he was possessing To better visualize the  possessing  demon, I doubled the canvas size (see above ) and mirrored and rotated a duplicate of the image (shown right ) Unlike my eyes, this demon's eyes are open, revealing his snake-like pupils Rotating the pho...

BIBLE | The Study Notes of a Demoniac [Proverbs 17:5]

Sometimes, when I introduce my blog to people, they ask if I'm affiliated with Satanists (or, worse, whether I get off on demons), while others suggest it is an obsession or infatuation with them. Well I could go on and on about how stupid this is – not to mention how lazy it is – I'd rather focus on the fact that none of them accuse me of being a Christian. The pornos don't help me much in that regard, I grant them; but, this blog is about what happened, and where the action was, and not about my holiness or righteousness. I regret all my transgressions, but the facts must be told completely. Since it's obviously an issue that won't go away, even by appealing to common sense and logic, I will attempt to balance the picture regarding my personal life by posting my notes that I take while studying my Bible. Insodoing, those concerned will get a clearer picture of what goes on in my mind on a daily basis. Actually, make that a minute-to-minute basis. as God is a...

TECHNOLOGY | Identifying demon-people assailants via chroma-facial signatures

What I knew two years ago... Long before I knew as much about chroma as I do now (over two years ago), the most I could say about it is that it tended to concentrate in people around the face, which had the benefit of revealing the inner demon of someone possessed [ see PHOTOS | Underlying demon revealed in video in motion ], and of producing illusory masks of a kind for those with the know-how [ see   VIDEOS | Demonic chroma masking (real-life Halloween masks) ], but that it was otherwise problematic, in that it saturated digital images with excessive color noise. ...what I know now Even though my understanding of chroma hasn't increased much in those two years later, I've learned to make prodigious use of it when it's present with a digital camera and GIMP or Photoshop, even though chroma is the culprit in every bad digital image made. For example, since chroma lights up demons, so to speak, I can capture them with my iPhone when they are cloaked and in the da...