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Showing posts from August 16, 2015

AIDS | Dr. Crapo lies, gets caught in same

Nobody prays for an extremely difficult personal problem with a solution that requires them to solve the same problem as shared by others ; but, ever since having found such three years ago, I am surprised to find that I have never prayed for a way to end it, but for a way to defeat it—and, that, not just for me, but for everyone similarly afflicted. That's requesting more involvement, and on a grander scale, which seems very much opposed to logical thinking. Anyway, more about that at the end of this post; but, first , God's answer to my prayer for a smoking gun, one which I acquired just today, and which consists of a video catching a doctor in a bold-faced lie with life-threatening consequences. I should point out also the seriousness of this situation as perceived by the powers-that-be. Within a minute of acquiring the smoking gun of a video that is presented here in this post, Internet connectivity for all cellphones and all businesses in the area went out simultaneou

AIDS | Desperate demon people make desperate maneuvers

About this post The purpose of this post is to show my continued walk from victim of Satan, his angels and other agents of the anti-Christ, to victor through Christ. You should  read its companion post,  Desperate demons make desperate maneuvers , first, which was written prior to His call (or rather, my answer) to sell everything I have, and give to the poor. [ Luke 18:24 ]. What did I sell? The only source of my income, all former means of rest and recreation (or what I called fun), and all my connections to society as I've known it. What did I give? See the end of this post. My motivation, by the way, is this: when you tell the Army of Darkness you got Jesus, you better get Jesus. The way you do that is, once the invitation to have Him is extended, you have to accept. That means continue in the paths of righteousness, resisting all evil, no matter the temptation, and getting busy with the Work of the Lord [see  BIBLE | The Study Notes of a Demoniac [Revelation 1-2] ]. He