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Showing posts from November 1, 2015

AIDS | PACE-case attorney clarifies objectives, direction

Today, in spite of infuriating mistakes made by the dictation feature on my iPhone—none of which appeared in any of these e-mails prior to sending, but only after—I tried a different tack in obtaining a clearer vision of the road ahead for my legal initiative against VMC/PACE from my attorney: namely, honey instead of vinegar: Before I describe the results of this e-mail, which I sent this morning, I want to point out another place where demons fit into the picture: As a professional writer, misspellings and (whoa!) entirely missing words are an anathema to me, and ever since the last two battles involving me and demons (not recounted on this blog), my phone has been acting strangely whenever communication with third-parties are involved (in fact, this is the reason for the second battle, casualties for which are still being counted even today). Do not f*ck with the phone is the message, although I'm not sure it's going to be received. The problem manifests itself when usi...

AIDS | Crapo-case attorney fizzles, PACE-case attorney wonders aimlessly

Stanford doctor will overrule ban from Stanford Positive Care As mentioned in  AIDS | Former PACE Clinic doctor bars me from Stanford Positive Care Clinic , a former PACE Clinic (San Jose) physician, Dr. Edward Brooks, now working at Stanford's equivalent, Stanford Positive Care Clinic (Palo Alto), announced via his receptionist that I am also barred there. He declined to state a reason, but the implication made that all but unnecessary. Today, at my first visit to Stanford Medical Group in nearly 10 years, my former—and now current—primary care physician, Dr. Paul Ford (i.e., man of gold), stated that he would work around whatever issue Dr. Brooks presented, and in short order: Outside Dr. Ford's office at Stanford Medical Group (Hoover Pavilion) Although the aforementioned clinic has yet to contact me regarding my first appointment, I did notice that Dr. Brooks was listed as a contact in the MyHealthOnline app developed by Stanford Medical . The app only lists doctor...

AIDS | District Attorney asked to join foray against PACE Clinic

Today, the following letter was hand-delivered to the Office of the District Attorney for the County of Santa Clara, which asks the aforementioned office to intervene in the unlawful refusal of essential treatment and care for my life-threatening and terminal illness: District Attorney - Pace Clinic Letter by James Alan Bush This letter isn't the first to solicit third-party assistance with this matter; just last week, a similar request was made to my district supervisor's office, who is actively investigating it, and evaluating options.

CHARITY | Second campaign to save would-be homeless launched

My first attempt to be a charitable demoniac failed miserably, and I believe the reason is that people in San Jose are too stupid to know how to help themselves in a dire situation. Losing your housing is the beginning of the end of everything that matters: your job, your health, your finances, your social standing, your friendships and family, your assets, your retirement, your prospects, and more. My charity, if you will, was to make sure this never happened to anyone it didn't need to, which happens to constitute about everyone who is facing homelessness. But, I must first digress by explaining what makes me call evictees in San Jose stupid—first, in general; then, more specifically. At the end, I'll come back to the charity stuff. I think stupid could describe most citizens here to begin with, whether facing eviction or not. I can't find anyone in this town who did not spread their legs for Satan the minute he and his minions waltzed in, having received as they did...