Demonic Idiom

Idioms are speech and expressions that refer to phrases, sayings, or constructions that are characteristic of a particular language and convey meanings that are not directly deducible from the individual words or their literal translations. These expressions often reflect cultural nuances, historical contexts, and linguistic evolution, making them integral to natural and fluent language use but potentially challenging for language learners to understand without specific knowledge or context.

Categories of Idiomatic Expressions

  • Idioms: Fixed, culturally specific phrases where the meaning cannot be inferred from the literal interpretation, e.g., "kick the bucket" (to die).
  • Slang: Informal language that often emerges from specific social groups or subcultures, e.g., "ghost" (to abruptly cut off communication without explanation).
  • Colloquialisms: Everyday language and informal phrases used in casual conversation, not always nonsensical outside context, but deeply rooted in cultural habits, e.g., "gonna" (going to).
  • Jargon: Specialized language used by a particular profession, interest group, or subculture, which can be idiomatic within its context, e.g., "blue sky thinking" (creative thinking, free of constraints).
  • Proverbs: Traditional sayings that express perceived truths or pieces of advice, often metaphorical, e.g., "The early bird catches the worm" (suggesting that being early or proactive is advantageous).
  • Clichés: Overused expressions that have lost originality and impact through repetition, e.g., "time will tell" (suggesting that more information will become clear later).
  • Euphemisms: Mild or indirect expressions substituted for ones considered harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing, e.g., "between jobs" (unemployed).
  • Phrasal Verbs: Verb + preposition/adverb combinations where the combined meaning is not always predictable from the individual parts, e.g., "give up" (to stop trying).
  • Metaphors and Similes: Figurative language comparing two unlike things, often idiomatic when the comparison becomes a fixed expression, e.g., "heart of gold" (very kind, generous).

Each variant plays a crucial role in enriching a language, offering speakers a range of expressive possibilities and adding depth to communication. Their use and understanding can significantly contribute to linguistic competence and cultural fluency.

Idiom Dictionary

Idioms are understood culturally and contextually rather than through literal interpretation. This page informs a perspective and knowledge external to the culture and context that is the subject of this blog.

An idiom dictionary is a dictionary or phrase book that lists and explains idiom
 – distinctive words or phrases having a figurative meaning that 
goes beyond the original semantics of the words. Wikipedia

Particularly, it is an ever-growing compilation of idiomatic expressions inherent to a unique but extremely large and influential community, which is best described as a social confederacy of otherwise independent group affiliations comprised of both demons and humans. In their joint-affiliate capacity, they are just as well-known for their unique and eclectic nature of speech between members as they are for their horrific campaigns of violence committed with demonic weaponry and other harmful devices that terrorize worldwide during periods of high demonic activity. It is due to the wide-spread use of their own, self-constructed, ever-evolving idiom, unparalleled in its exhaustiveness, immensity and ubiquity — and, yet, highly cryptic and indecipherable — that forms the basis for this glossary of nearly 400 terms so far; and, it is because this community does not share their exclusive lexicon of idiom with outsiders that this glossary aims to bridge the language gap between members and non.

Requisite Knowledge

A majority of terms used to define various demonic idiom rely on a thorough understanding of the aforementioned community, the violence they commit and the means by which they commit it, and the occasions and circumstances by which it is committed, and, of course, the victim-targets against which the violence is committed. Although the explanations for all of these are rather extensive, by the end, they all boil down to a very succinct means for describing them, namely, more demonic idiom.

The violence that is the primary characteristic of the community is called drama, which is the repeated, ongoing and continual assault by demonic weaponry and other harmful device used during periods of high demonic activity by the confederacy.

It is imperative to understand the relationships and dependencies between drama, demonic weaponry, periods of high demonic activity and the confederacy. Following are descriptions of most of the connections between the time a period of high demonic activity occurs to the time the drama ensues:

  • the weaponry used to commit the violence is made available only during periods of high demonic activity
  • the violence committed during such periods is called drama; the use of this term infers the use of demonic weaponry to commit violence during a period of high demonic activity, all in a word
  • the violence could be intentioned to kill, but is primarily and always at least intentioned to main, but not kill
  • drama only occurs during such periods because that its the only time the demonic weaponry used to affect is available — which is not a tradition or choice, but a constraint due to the nature of such periods. It’s like a werewolf and a full moon, except that the drama is completely voluntary. The period simply marks the season for drama. Important to note that although the drama is completely voluntary, no one refuses to participate; moreover, drama happens during every period of high demonic activity.
  • drama, on the other hand, is a tradition  — a conscious and willing choice — that is, nonetheless, compulsory and followed on every occasion of such periods
  • When such a period begins, so does the drama; the drama continues, unabated, until the period ends.
  • The relationship between a period of high demonic activity and the confederacy procurement and use of demonic weaponry on victim-targets has an intermediate element, namely, demons, both of whom have established and instituted the same core policy: "If the opportunity presents itself, you take it." 

The entity relationship diagram below effectively illustrates the intricate connections between a period of high demonic activity, demonic weaponry, drama, and the confederacy of demon-human cooperative affiliates. It details how the availability of demonic weaponry is contingent solely on the occurrence of these specific periods, during which the boundaries between our realm and the realm of demons overlap, allowing such weaponry to be tangible and procurable This diagram further clarifies that while the weaponry is available during these periods, it is the confederacy's deliberate choice to arm themselves. With the demonic weaponry in the hands of the confederacy, drama ensues. This visual representation serves as a foundational guide to understanding the dynamics and relationships that govern the actions and behaviors within this unique confederacy during critical periods of demonic activity.

 An entity relationship diagram, showing the causal connections between the five primary subjects of the blog narrative, which provides the requisite context for understanding the definitions provided by this glossary

Although sufficient for the purposes of this glossary, the diagram lacks a description of the causal connection between two key elements: demons and me. Although the significance is paramount to everyone, demons and humans alike, illustrating them would overlabor the goal of providing context solely for the purposes of comprehending demonic idiom.

Nonetheless, a brief description of the connections:

The relationship between a period of high demonic activity and the confederacy's procurement and use of demonic weaponry on victim-targets has an intermediate element, namely, demons, both of whom have established and instituted the same core operational policy: "If the opportunity presents itself, you take it." Demons take the opportunity periods of high demonic activity afford to provision demonic weaponry to the confederacy (it is the only time they can do it), and the confederacy takes the opportunity to procure demonic weaponry provisioned by demons (it is the only way they can get it). They overall opportunity is a means to advance their mutual agenda: The Exclusion.

Another causal connection that is missing from the diagram is the occurrence of periods of high demonic activity and me. The causal connection is but one: they occur because of. To draw a connection between me and any other subject would muddy the diagram with incidental connections, which might suggest that none of the subjects had a choice in the provision, procurement and use of demonic weaponry.


Manner of speaking

[see also Tongue of design]

"A 'manner of speaking' universally describes a specialized type of 'idioglossia' among all demons, affiliated or otherwise. Traditionally, idioglossia refers to a private language developed and used by a very tight-knit group — among humans, this is typically seen with young twins. For demons, however, 'idioglossia' assumes a cultural dimension, narrowing the definition to a unique lexicon of idioms and expressions developed within a closely-knit community (e.g., a race or horde), often incomprehensible to outsiders. When used in the broader cultural context of their confederacy, the term not only identifies and distinguishes a particular group but also becomes a crucial part of their social identity.

This interpretation was affirmed when a demon was overheard criticizing the confederacy's manner of speaking, remarking: 'I don’t like their manner of speaking — it’s base and indulgent and glorifies the gory.'

The culture-specific idioglossia exclusive to members of the confederacy is pivotal in strengthening internal bonds and affirming their collective identity. It encapsulates shared experiences, values, and history, turning language into both a badge of membership and a gatekeeper of cultural heritage."

Perceptively wordy

The term "perceptively wordy" refers to a mode of expression that employs vocabulary necessitating a sophisticated grasp of the nuances in meaning for accurate interpretation. This form of communication often involves the use of specialized or less commonly understood terms, where the full significance of the statements made hinges upon an in-depth understanding of these terms by the audience. Such expressions are typically used in contexts where precision and depth of understanding are paramount, and they may serve to both enlighten and challenge the listener or reader to delve deeper into the subject matter.

A discussion of a planned acoustical adjustment to the tones generated by ToneBarrier provides an illustrative example of a "perceptively wordy" statement, during which it was specified that the newly revised ToneBarrier score (series of tones) should "add volume without adding loudness."

This was described as "perceptively wordy" by a listener with knowledge of the difference between volume and loudness to another listener presumed yet ignorant of it. While related, these two terms possess distinct meanings in the field of acoustics, and an intricate understanding of their respective definitions is required to make distinctions.

NOTE | Volume refers to the space that the sound occupies, a conceptual expansion of its size and presence, while loudness is a subjective measure of the sound's perceived intensity. Without explicit clarification, a testament to the speaker's depth of knowledge goes unnoticed and underserved, and poses an implicit challenge to the audience, specifically, to grasp the import of the distinction without direct instruction.

By cueing a statement with the categorization of "perceptively wordy," it is assumed that the audience, despite possibly lacking immediate knowledge of the nuanced distinction, has a fundamental interest in understanding the statement, given their engagement with the subject matter. The cue itself is offered as gesture of positive social engagement, meant to stimulate thought and provoke inquiry —what exactly differentiates volume from loudness?—without preemptively satisfying this curiosity, thus encouraging a deeper engagement with the underlying concepts and, of course, other members of the audience.

Demon of design

A demon of design is a demonic entity, distinguished not by its origins or species, but rather by its unique aesthetic sensibility and individual purpose. Such demons transcend the conventional classifications of their kind, gaining recognition and identity through a distinct sense of style and a singular mission. This diverges from the typical categorization of demons based on lineage or type, positioning them instead through their nefarious acts and/or roles within both their realm and in their interactions with other realms.

While the identity and recognition of such figures among demonic entities are often associated with demonic realms or narratives, it is the distinctness of their deeds by which their names become synonymous that is the primary cognizable factor.

Example: The Boogeyman, traditionally born from a specific demon race, transcends his origins through his unique occupation and notoriety. His name alone evokes his singular identity, embodying the quintessence of a "demon of design" through his distinct role and presence in folklore.

“He’s got a rickety skeleton his pocket...”

“He’s got a rickety skeleton his pocket” is a way of describing the physical condition of a victim-target with a extensive history of sustained and intensified subjection to drama, the effects of which have culminated in specific set of externally visible injuries; specifically, by sagging skin (“pocket”) that has lost most of its elasticity from the impact of demonic weaponry fire, due to rapid weight-loss and malnutrition inherent to most of the lives of those ritually abused; and, by the deformed and degraded bones that noticeably jut through the thinned skin, which are akin to the bones of a rotted corpse (“skeleton”).

To spruce up [your, his, our, their] drama

To "spruce up your drama" refers to the effort made by victim-targets to conceal or mitigate the visible signs of injury known to be caused by demonic weaponry. This phrase implies a layer of proactive engagement where a victim-target attempts to maintain a semblance of normalcy or to minimize social and personal repercussions by camouflaging the physical evidence of their involvement in the drama.

By utilizing this expression, the community acknowledges not only the inevitable physical impact of the drama but also the necessity for social discretion and personal resilience. "Spruce up your drama" thus serves as a testament to the individuals’ efforts to retain their dignity and to protect their private struggles during these tumultuous times, highlighting the complex interplay between visible scars of conflict and the maintenance of personal and communal identity in society at-large.

Ignorantly satisfied

Referring to a state of contentment derived from a lack of awareness or understanding of potential problems, complications, or detrimental truths. This condition assumes that the absence of knowledge inherently leads to happiness or peace, without the burdens of concern or responsibility that knowledge might bring.

When employed by the individuals of the speech community cataloged, the term is often self-applied by the ignorant party. In such instances, it reflects either their contentment in remaining uninformed or their deliberate choice to disregard known wisdom, typically as an act of defiance or contrariness.

It is crucial to differentiate "ignorantly satisfied" from its similar-sounding counterparts, such as "blissfully unaware.” While expressions like this convey a genuine lack of awareness, "ignorantly satisfied" implies a feigned ignorance. Here, the individual acknowledges their awareness of better judgment but chooses to announce a deliberate intention to disregard it to make a point.

Murder, Satan wrote | “They popped a cork on you…”

"Rock him off" and "Cash him in" are both phrases used to describe murder, or at least acts likely to lead to death, in ...