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Showing posts from March 18, 2012

Demons can (and do) move walls to injure

As I make my bed, the Voices Demons move an entire wall, just to hit my hand with it as I place my bedspread at the edge of the bed: NOTE | As I posted this, a Voices Demon stated that, although they initially took responsibility, that it was another demon who did it; apparently, they don't want to "look bad." Ignoring the obviousness of the delusion that they could ever "look good," I simply replied that I would mention what they said here, as I think that, if I was trying to make them look bad, I have achieved that either way, regardless of their responsibility for the assault, given their prior knowledge, failure to warn, and their implied acquiescence.

19 videos show demons in-the-flesh

It's almost impossible to catch beings like demons on camera. Not only are they trained to avoid detection, but cellphone cameras are not made to capture images of beings that move faster than your eye can track, spend most of their time in the dark, and can cloak and blend—not to mention bite, sting and burn. The fact that I have anything is a miracle. The amount of post-processing filtering that must be applied to each video, just to make them somewhat viewable, is substantial, and I still haven't perfected it (I know what I need to do, but things tend to get broken, lost, altered, etc., in the process, if I take too much time with it or try to do it where no one else can see what they're doing to me, so I go with what I can get away with on-the-fly. Nonetheless, there are 19 videos in my collection that show demons in-the-flesh (below); there are others; but, these are the better ones: Demonic Peep-Eye shows an eyeball of a demon, as it peeps through a hole in a

Live Video of Demonic Activity through Google Talk or Gmail

For live audio and video feeds of the paranormal activity happening in and around my laptop, which happens to be, right now, at my apartment (or a "nexus of hyperdimensional portals"). Live audio and video feed of my apartment on Google Talk or Gmail ( Simply use Google Talk or Gmail to connect with There isn't much happening right now that would be visible, except, perhaps, an occasional red distortion floating through air; but, you might  hear the Voices Demons, since they talk around the clock, even when I'm sleeping.

Are they demons or hyperdimensional negative entities?

Before I knew better, I was calling what I now know to be demons something different, namely, hyperdimensional negative entities; web sites that describe the behavior and characteristics of these types of entities closely match the demons' that are the subject of this blog. To learn more about the demons of this blog in advance of any new information I post in the future,  search for sites on hyperdimensional negative entities on Google. NOTE | I recommend and  as providing very astute and accurate observations on demonic activity, although some of their respective conclusions seem somewhat flawed (but, the higher intelligence of the demon mind can make ascertaining their methods and ways difficult when they want it to be, so loosely constructed ideas regarding their activities would be the norm when formed in the mind of a mere, simple human).

Videos, Photos and Documents links added to Demonic Activity blog toolbar

Links to videos, photos and documents related to the Demonic Activity blog are available from the toolbar on the Home page. The Videos link goes to my Vimeo channel , Photos to my Paranormal Activity Flickr Album , and documents to my page , which looks simply as if it pertains to my lawsuits only—but, believe me, there is a connection here.

Demon camouflaging illustrated in Chica o Vieja

When not cloaked, but wanting to remain somewhat hidden, demonic entities camouflage with something in the environment that is either the same color as what they're wearing or the approximate shape and/or texture (or whatever). " Chica o Vieja, "   below , illustrates a more complex version of camouflaging, called blending: This is either an old woman or a young woman, depending on your focal point Demons inhabiting the same person or object often blend in this way. Below is a picture of five demons, who all inhabit the same man: They all share the same underlying features; but, look different when compared side-by-side They also use objects to create their visage, and, amazingly enough, sometimes on-the-move. The picture below is a motion blur as the camera pans past a table lamp; it's a still frame from one of my videos: A white-faced demon, with ruby-red lips, that wears sunglasses, that is otherwise a table lamp when not in motion D

Demons use D.A., police to protect those who commit crimes for them

Here is the royal brush-off from the District Attorney's Office (the highlighted questions are meant to help you read between the lines, so to speak): Avilla Uh, behind the scenes… [inaudible] …that you had been talking with, Mr. Reyes. Bush Right, right. Avilla And, there was a communication breakdown, having to do with... Bush Yeah, well, you know… Avilla And, so, I need to figure out what the situation is… [inaudible] …stolen vehicle... Bush And…and, stolen credit cards and money and…and other property—all-in-one... Avilla And taken from you? Bush Taken from me. And, this happened in, like, 2006. Now, the Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety did not tell me that they had actually forwarded the case to the district attorney's office. So, I didn't even know it was sitting here; but, when I, um... Avilla But, you found subsequently that it was? Bush I, uh…by…inci