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Showing posts from June 17, 2012

PHOTO GALLERY | Demons re-create Scratchen's "eye" with power strip

Demon illusion magic is very subtle, and is usually undetectable without the aid of a video camera, which is more likely to catch illusions cast by a demon because they often happen in an instant. No different was the illusion of Scratchen's eye, which was created with light and shadow—and a power strip (hence the beige-yellow color of her iris)—and which was captured in this still frame from the upcoming video Demon-Tangled Cords : Demons use illusion magic to re-create Scratchen's eye with light, shadow and a power strip Don't worry; that's not Scratchen (pictured, below ); but, the fact that this illusion appeared means she's on the minds of demons.

PHOTO GALLERY | The Mirror Demon

A new video clip showing a mirror demon attempting to mimic my movements in the mirror—albeit, quite imperfectly—is forthcoming. In the meantime, here's a photo of the mirror demon guessing how many fingers I'm holding up incorrectly: My thumb is up and my hand is straight in the dress mirror, but there is no thumb in the bathroom mirror, and the hand is angled differently In order to get the mirror demon to fail to mimic my movements exactly, I had to put up two mirrors. The mirror demon can only work one mirror at a time. He got the bathroom mirror reflection wrong, as you can easily see when comparing it to the dress mirror reflection. This mirror demon is not the only double of me out there; I have another one in another dimension that, quite frankly, looks and acts far too smug for my taste. NOTE | The mirror demon is not to be confused with the shadow demon, which does the same thing, but as a shadow. To be clever, my shadow demon wears glasses when I don't

HOME | Theft complaint filed against former "haunted" roommate

As if kicking in the front door on the third day after I moved in, refusing to pay the electric bill for a week while our food spoiled—and then breaking the power main switch —and locking me out of my own apartment the entire time I lived there, my former roommate decided to steal electronic equipment and prescription medication on my way out last week. A report was filed last week, and both a restraining order and civil suit seeking the value of the stolen property will be filed next week. Santa Clara Police Department, Case No. 12-6961, Theft, Victor Salazar One item was recovered, namely, a DVD drive, as my former roommate decided to hand that to me as I packed what was left of my things. For more on Victor Salazar and the incidents at 3311 Princeton Way #5, in Santa Clara, California, read: HOME | Demonic plan to oust me from new apartment backfires on roommate HOME | Roommate fails to pay old electric bill, power disconnected HOME | Power main switch repaired afte

READER | Why are demons following you? Is it because you're a bad person?

This conversation made me feel really good, and I was so grateful to have a reader who was bold enough to ask tough questions. Luis Tapia Oblitas Hey man, I really like your videos. Where're you from? April 22 Luis Tapia Oblitas are you there? May 5 Luis Tapia Oblitas Hi 58 minutes ago Luis Tapia Oblitas hi man 56 minutes ago James Bush What's up?  Thanks for your support, by the way. Do you know what this means? I can't read Spanish: "avandono este grupo nada mas por este hobmre que me tiene harto cn sus publicaciones James Bush" 55 minutes ago Luis Tapia Oblitas your 're welcome mmmm who wrote that?? 54 minutes ago James Bush Fernelis PiƱa Not very nice, huh? 54 minutes ago Luis Tapia Oblitas mmm well 53 minutes ago James Bush The group has 57 memb