It's 2:30 AM, and I'm walking down White Road towards Alum Rock Avenue in San Jose, about 15 minutes away from Calvary Cemetery; that's where Google Latitude says Sally, the tranny with a red-masked demon in her bosom, is right now [ VIDEO/PHOTO | Tranny harbors demon in bosom ]. So far, I've encountered the usual monster mish-mash that always surrounds my home during periods of high demonic activity. The only difference tonight out of a hundred such demon-filled nights is the unusually high number of cloaked humans afoot. Shadow people are everywhere tonight: the rooftops of houses and buildings, alleys, people's yards, and the middle of the street, as well as right behind me and in front of me; by contrast, there are only a handful of Spectre-of-Death demons [ see VIDEO TIMELINE | Spectre of Death, Camouflaged ], standing, unmoving, in front of building facades [ see VIDEO | Spectre of Death Guards Entrance to Scratchen's Apartment ]. If yo...
My inevitable demise, daily.