Right from the start of their six-year campaign of seemingly unending torture by violence (and other means), demons have targeted my fingers [ see Nerves, fingernails damaged from fighting sucker and eye spider demons ]. They are not only trying to induce pain, but also loss of functionality (sensation, flexibility) and, eventually, the loss of my fingers. In the past, their efforts were a little less deliberate than they are now. Before, the damage came from removing, fighting and otherwise touching any of the demonic entities sent for attack—entities that one simply cannot ignore due to their well-known and -honed ability to continuously compel removal until they are, in fact, either removed manually by their target (which is usually done with the target's hands, of course) or removed naturally by the cessation of the period of high demonic activity that brought them into contact with the target. Now, they have transitioned to a more direct approach, specifically, adhering th...
My inevitable demise, daily.