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Showing posts from June 7, 2015

COMING UP | The Life of a Demoniac Photo Filter Extension

Update: Test app now available Thanks to excellent [persistent, dedicated, concerned, knowledgable, polite, patient, enthusiastic] service by Erik, a technical support representative at Apple Developer Program Support, who embodies every quality every employee should have in any and all jobs, a test version of the app described herein is now available for download from the App Store. Simply send me an e-mail and an e-mail containing a link to download the app will be my reply: Open my reply e-mail on your iPhone to install the app in just one touch Although ludicrously easy to install and use [see below], a second e-mail containing instructions will follow. The app works inside the Photos app, and is about as easy to use The app is accessed within the Photos app by touching the icon, shown in the upper-right corner Keep in mind that this is a skeleton version of the end-product; there will be bugs. Even still, it will not harm your phone; the app itself—and all o

VIDEO | What a portal through a mirror looks like

Using my Prewitt Kernel imaging filter, which processes video to highlight only the edges and curves of objects in the picture, I was able to capture for the first time an open portal inside a mirror. At first, I thought it was just a rendering of the glare from the torch on my iPhone camera reflecting off the mirror; but, as the camera pans past it, the tunnel is revealed as it rotates differently than the mirror in a way that suggests that the tunnel is at a farther distance from the camera than the mirror's surface: The following still frames show the mirror as it appears in the video processed by the imaging filter and in the original video clip: The "glare" clearly recedes into the mirror, being one of two indicators of a portal (tunnel)... The original still frame, prior to processing with my Prewitt Kernel imaging filter, shows just the glare  Any glare can serve as a portal, apparently, even that from glossy-painted wall. In the still frame taken fro