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Showing posts from October 26, 2014

VIDEO | Repeated strikes to the neck by metal-spiked, mechanical tentacle

Start by looking to the left of my neck in each of the following still frames. See that wire brush-like tool, buried in the skin sharp-side-up? It pops out of nowhere, from everywhere, and strikes like lightning: a mechanical tentacle with metal spikes on its end, which either stabs or slices my neck and face. It happens a lot these days, and is the primary means by which the skin on my face and neck, and all the underlying muscle and bone and ligaments deteriorated to a ghastly state, literally overnight; that's because it appears (and I've been told) to be radioactive: Discolored and welted stripes from the spikes scraped across my neck Reddened (and almost deadened) skin with stripes left by a tentacle that dragged its spikes across my skin In the past, any video made of assaults by this particular demonic weapon made it look like nothing more than blurry streaks of black; however, tonight, on a late night walk through San Jose, I finally acquired a video wi

VIDEO | Demon doll-maker turns jacket into actual demon

Lover and friend have You put far from me; my familiar friends are darkness and the grave. (‭Psalm‬ ‭88‬:‭18‬ AMP) A new video shows demon doll-making, which basically involves possessing fabric with a demon in a specific way, so that once in possession, the demon will then mold the fabric into a likeness of itself. In the video, the doll-maker ( Long ) does an artful and thorough "rearrangement and straightening" of a jacket hanging off the end of a big-screen TV, which is actually the series of hand gestures for conjuring the demon and possessing the jacket with it [ see VIDEO | VMC Hospital nurse attacks using demon ; see also   VIDEOS | Naked, demon-possessed man writhing on floor helps animate, transport demons ;  search for hand gestures ]. By the time he carries the possessed jacket to the bed, he has created in just a few seconds a two-armed, two-legged demon, which, when thrown on the bed, fell stiff as a board, as if it the doll actually had a spine: L

VIDEO | Demons in the shadows

The following video clip shows a demon cloaked in shadow, running back and forth, from the bed to the end table next to it, and then back again, where he darts back and forth and up and down in front of the camera: Besides flitting and dancing around, these demons are throwing the "claw" demonic weapon and send sucker demons to hurt and bother me from underneath the bed (on the left), where I'm laying. The clip repeats three times, decreasing in magnification with each successive play; different color-enhancements are applied to each one, as well, since I couldn't decide what looked best. The first and second clips are played at half-speed, while the last clip is played back at normal speed, thereby showing the how fast most demons move in the dark. This isn't a very interesting or breathtaking video on its face unless you realize that this is what it looks like in a darkened room during a demonic attack. This is what someone sees when they are attacked:

VIDEO | Sucker demons swarm eyes, face to blind, disfigure

A portion of surveillance video footage made during this latest period of high demonic activity (i.e., last night) shows sucker demons taking their part in a three-day long, around-the-clock campaign of assault on my eyesight, which is intended to cause blindness very gradually and over a relatively extended period of time—at least long enough to give as many demon people as possible a chance to fire a demonic weapon or launch an entity into my eyeballs. Damaging my eyes was just part of the goal stated by demons and their people at the onset of this latest attack, who also aimed to "take my muscle mass," per the Voices Demons, while these, plus more, are planned for every target of demonic attack by the Voices Demons and their people [ see Demons modify peoples' looks from birth to affect social standing, later to punish or control ; see also   Recurring demonic assault leads to permanent disability, self-neglect ]. NOTE | To see what a swarm of sucker demons look li

PICS | More tree demons carved in the bark

All the tree demons I've ever seen form out of leaves, artfully arranging them in a giant, ghoulish faces that draw your attention right when you're positioned at the optimal viewing distance and angle, except for the one shown in PICS | Demons carve faces in bark, not just leaves , which is molded from bark. That was the first and the last bark demon I've seen until a couple of weeks ago. Following is one still frame of several I took from a video made on a drive during a period of high demonic activity: The most-prominent palm tree in this still frame shows a Angelina Jolie's 'Maleficent' profile (near the bottom of the trunk's dead foliage) Same still frame shown above, enlarged The other still frames show pretty much the same; this was not the clearest or best, but it is what is left.

VIDEO | Demons slide man into camera's path to preclude recording

While trying to record demonic activity two nights ago, demons physically slid a man sitting between us in the way of my camera in order to shield themselves from detection. The following video clip shows this, plus a man seemingly unaware that he has been moved at least three feet to his right, as he remains motionless throughout the movement: This is not the only incidence of people being used to hide things things from my camera, nor is it the first time synchronization has been shown to occur in demon people. Both are shown and discussed in  Synchronized movements key indicator of joint demonic activity by demon-possessed . This video makes three fairly decent examples of synchronization, and demons' ability to covertly and discretely involve themselves in the minutiae of one's life, if so enabled and allowed. It also shows the control they can have over the space they occupy. Coupled with their ability to reposition objects, and otherwise bend and maneuver matter

VIDEO | Giant demon hand casts negative energy

A recently acquired video clip made on a walk to the San Jose Diridon VTA Light Rail station platform during a period of high demonic activity shows a giant black hand tracking my own with its finger ( bottom-left ) as I open a crossing gate, redirecting energy meant to complicate the movement in some way. It is not unusual for demon hordes to gather en masse to do this very thing over-and-over, until their window of opportunity (or, rather, portal of opportunity) closes. Apparently, a demon pushed its hand through a portal that opened near me, and then guided negative energy to my hand with his own so that its use would be vexed. I'm assuming only his hand needed to be bodily present for this particular maneuver, as there was not likely a fully materialized demon standing behind me that I didn't notice. Another giant hand was caught on video about two years ago [ see   VIDEO | Hands appear out-of-thin air to prevent touching of demon orbs ], but it looked human, makin