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Showing posts from September 28, 2014

VIDEO | Sucker demons launched into home by demons, their people

On the same day a kind of threat I call 'demonic illusion art' was left in my bathroom closet [ see Demonic illusion art left in closet (again) ], and only one night after capturing a repatriated demonic entity crawling through my backyard [ see VIDEO | Glowing, scorpion/vole-like demonic entity climbs, leaps off backyard fence ], demons and their people launched a swarm of sucker demons into my home, some of which I captured on video: Two sucker demons stream in through the entryway: one by the ceiling light, the other just past the left corner  A sucker demon snakes through the air, and around the legs of a barstool Sucker demons have been shown extensively on this blog since its inception , even though they are difficult to capture on camera. If it weren't for their sheer numbers, there would be no images of them at all; moreover, if it weren't for digital cameras, they wouldn't be seen even then. Initially, one might think that their shape from afar

Demonic illusion art left in closet (again)

It's a terror tactic to demons and their people, but the innovative mixture of creativity and magic make it art to me (even if it is meant to terrorize me). In fact, I dubbed it 'demonic illusion art,' which consists of miscellaneous objects grouped and arranged by a demon(s) and/or their people to create the face of a demonic predator; these objects always belong to the intended target. It is intended to terrorize the demon's target ("we're going to get you"), and is usually situated somewhere in the target's personal living space, such as bedroom or bathroom ("and there's no where we can't go"). The latest occurrence of this type of threat/artwork consisted of shirts and ties hanging in my bathroom closet, arranged to form a scary demonic face, peering at me through the partially open door. It's only visible, though, from a certain angle and at a certain distance: From my bathroom sink, it looks like you can see a dem

VIDEO | Glowing, scorpion/vole-like demonic entity climbs, leaps off backyard fence

A green-glowing, scorpion-like (plus, part vole) demonic entity was captured on video last night, crawling through my backyard. It is shaped like a scorpion (legs, tail) crossed with a vole (tapered snout, lithe/slithering gate), and looks like it has six legs, which is used to climb a neighbor's fence; however, at the end of the clip, it raises up on an additional two legs that look to be six to eight inch long, right before leaping off: After perching on top of the fence for awhile, it either leaps or flies off—it's difficult to tell. This clip is a smaller segment of much larger footage made during a period of high demonic activity; it is likely that a portal was left open too long—or was unmonitored—and an entity from another world slipped through. NOTE | The only demonic entity known to survive outside its native habitat with any degree of longevity is the "nighttime flyer" shown in  UPDATE | "Nighttime Flyer" Demon, revisited  [ see   VIDEO