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Showing posts from November 8, 2015

AIDS | County Counsel evades claim yet again

The Santa Clara County Counsel must've smelled blood in the water when my attorney suddenly and inexplicably (but not necessarily unexpectedly)  withdrew his representation in the VMC-Crapo case after a month of doing nothing, and following the first rejection of my claim against the lying doctor for—get this—claiming my injuries were  ongoing , and not occurring once and on a specific date. NOTE | In other words, the county counsel would have you believe that you can only be injured once in Santa Clara County; to them, there's no such thing as being injured every day a doctor refuses to treat an illnesses that excaberates daily without treatment [ see   AIDS | Dr. Crapo lies, gets caught in same ]. After having received their letter of rejection, I personally confronted their attorneys at their office, insisting that a more sensible, better effort be made. The result was an even more nonsensical answer: County Counsel - First Rejection Letter by James Alan Bush In

CHARITY | Alternative means of reaching evictees explored

Because posting tag flyers and approaching the would-be homeless face-to-face [ see   CHARITY | Tag flyer to substitute face-to-face solicitation ; see also   CHARITY | Second campaign to save would-be homeless launched ] hasn't yet proved effective at reaching those to whom I would like to provide a charitable service (i.e., legal services for helping evictees keep their homes), I'm considering helping landlords for free, now. NOTE | The Legal Self-Help Center also assists landlords in lawfully evicting tenants. Both evictees and landlords stand in line together at the courthouse, side-by-side, waiting for the free service provided there on any given day. Okay, just kidding. Rather, I'm soliciting other charitable organizations that provide eviction-related legal services to low-income residents of Santa Clara County for referrals. My first such solicitation, of all places, the Law Foundation of Silicon Valley: My e-mail solicitation for referrals from the Law Foun

AIDS | Letter reiterates demand for explanation for Stanford-Brooks refusal to treat

To those close to God, No rest for the wicked means to never let evil rest [ Isaiah 48:22 ;  Isaiah 57:21 ]. It's a call to action—not just a statement of fact or a warning. Hence, my flat-out refusal to accept the evasive explanation provided by Stanford for Dr. Edward Brooks unexplained refusal to provide treatment at the Positive Care Clinic [ see AIDS | Former PACE Clinic doctor bars me from Stanford Positive Care Clinic ]: Suzellen Jones (Stanford) - Letter by James Alan Bush I wrote the letter because the attorney handling the PACE Clinic matter refused to address it, choosing instead to repeatedly focus our discussion about it on the behavior alleged in the  letter from Stanford , which is a variant of the kind of behavior described yesterday in  AIDS | Attorney passes puck to adversarial county counsel .

AIDS | Attorney passes puck to adversarial county counsel

Didn't I say this would happen, and didn't I say don't let it happen in the e-mail to my attorney shown in  AIDS | Crapo-case attorney fizzles, PACE-case attorney wonders aimlessly  [ see also AIDS | PACE-case attorney clarifies objectives, direction ]: I said that nobody would do a bit of work, and that any timetables and their deliverables would fall into a third-party's hands who maintains an adverse stance in the issue, leaving me at the (ahem) mercy of my adversary, and at their leisure, no less. My expectations, which I have ever so clearly stated on numerous occasions, have remained unchanged, and are reiterated in the last e-mail, above . Your responsibilities in this case If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, you have to realize that the onus is still on you to prosecute your case. If you have to reiterate your requirements and needs—even if it's to somebody who should know already—on a daily basis, do so! Persistence, in this case

CHARITY | Tag flyer to substitute face-to-face solicitation

Instead of soliciting charity recipients face-to-face, who stand outside a San Jose courthouse, waiting for the county's legal self-help service that only offers assistance with one form of defense against eviction suits, I'll be posting this tag flyer just outside, hoping it'll be more effective at reaching out to people who need help staying indoors during this already harsh winter weather: Eviction Legal Self-Help Tag Flyer by James Alan Bush Read about my initial failed attempts to provide free legal services to the would-be homeless in  CHARITY | Second campaign to save the would-be homeless launched . Charity initiative serves dual purpose While I'm back on the subject of charity, I'd like to point out something I glossed over in the other posts, which has to do with my charity initiative's complementary role in demon-fighting. I can't stop fighting demons just to be a nice guy; that would turn nice guy into stupid guy . The problem pers