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Showing posts from March 22, 2015

TECHNOLOGY | Breaking out of the dark: microscopic shadow detail

Because the formula in this post does what I said the technique in Automatic, pixel-perfect shadow contrasting  does, I had trouble coming up with a way to describe this newer, more advanced, and yet more efficient (by a factor of three, in fact) method for contrasting and sharpening details in shadowy parts of an image, having pumped up the former method so high. It truly is automatic and pixel-perfect, and comparing it to the method described in the aforementioned post is kind of embarrassing, there's just that much difference. It is so sharp, in fact, that you can see your fingerprints as if you were looking through a magnifying glass: Filters with microscopic contrasting will be used to find cloaked demons; the contrast between the peaks and valleys of fingerprint ridges is low, as is the contrast between a cloaked demon and its natural surroundings Contrast so sharp that the ridges of your fingerprints can be seen And, now, it will be available on your iPhone: A ne

Luminosity masks for demons, Homogeneity via Euclidean-based metrics for God-fearing demoniacs

Pixel-perfect image processing is the only suitable goal for a demoniac hell-bent on delivering to the common man a viable, useful and readily accessible tool for standing up to demon tyranny , and whether he is fighting for his life (or his eyesight ) and the lives of those he loves  [ see The Last Battle of a Dead Man ] is not the only reason. Here are the others: First, delivering any product less than the best is detestable to God: A false balance is an abomination to the LORD, but a just weight is his delight. (Proverbs 11:1) Second, delivering any product less than the best is not of God, and is therefore a wasted effort: Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. (Psalms 127:1) Third, delivering the best quality product creates opportunities not otherwise available to your typical desperate and destitute demoniac: Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will sta