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Showing posts from August 9, 2015

TECHNOLOGY | Download Chroma source code from Github

The source code for the latest version of the Chroma Photo Editing Extension for iPhone is now available from Github: The source code for the Chroma Photo Editing Extension for iPhone is now available at Github It is an Xcode project written in Objective-C, and was last updated on August 7th, 2015 at 3:04 PM: The software and hardware requirements are: The software requirements for using the source code for the Chroma Photo Editing Extension Xcode 7 iOS 9.0 Mac OS X 10.11 iPhone 6 Apple iOS Developer account You can clone the repository via HTTPS , SSH or Subversion . About Chroma Chroma makes available to the iPhone the latest advancements in medical and scientific image-processing techniques for the purposes of detecting cloaked entities using its built-in camera; the fidelity and precision at which it renders details is unparalleled: In the above image, body hairs, stitching and fingerprint ridges captured in exquisite detail, all in one image, using C

BIBLE | Is your church a real church? Are you a world-aware Christian? [Proverbs 14:25]

About this post Is your church a real church? Are you a world-aware Christian? The list of criteria is more extensive than just what is presented here, but what is presented here is as relevant as anything else to those who purport to be a church or a Christian (more so than even 2,000 years ago, during the earthly life of Jesus). If your congregation believes and functions as if they believe what you read here, the answer is yes; otherwise—sadly—no, you miss the point of meeting altogether, and you are not accepted by neither the One you worship (God) nor the One in which you rejoice (Christ Jesus). Deny, deny, deny... One of the most shocking aspects of the demonic plague is not that demons and their people have constructed a complex and systemic means to ostracize and otherwise dispense with those who would not deny their presence and influence in this world—means that involve both arbitrary arrests and wrongful incarcerations, unspeakable acts of violence and, lately, the obs

AIDS | Hospitalized by demonic retaliatory strike for power blockade

I thought the power blockade would be both the ultimate defense and ultimate offense against evil [ see Demons/people rail against power blockade ; and, as it turns out, I was right. Unfortunately, to find out just how right I was, I nearly had to die: My third day in the isolation ward in—of all places—VMC hospital If truth be told, I was lured by my own lusts through the only door I left open, specifically, a recently abandoned vocation that periodically provides a menial but vital source of income: My former ad on Craigslist, requesting compensation for services rendered, so to speak A call from someone wanting to procure my services, which I had recently stopped advertising and providing (albeit only recently) led to an encounter during which he offered me the "key"—which, surprisingly, never happens—and wide open flew the door. Historically, I can successfully avoid seeking it, but if it finds me, then all bets are off: A recent text message from th