The source code for the latest version of the Chroma Photo Editing Extension for iPhone is now available from Github: The source code for the Chroma Photo Editing Extension for iPhone is now available at Github It is an Xcode project written in Objective-C, and was last updated on August 7th, 2015 at 3:04 PM: The software and hardware requirements are: The software requirements for using the source code for the Chroma Photo Editing Extension Xcode 7 iOS 9.0 Mac OS X 10.11 iPhone 6 Apple iOS Developer account You can clone the repository via HTTPS , SSH or Subversion . About Chroma Chroma makes available to the iPhone the latest advancements in medical and scientific image-processing techniques for the purposes of detecting cloaked entities using its built-in camera; the fidelity and precision at which it renders details is unparalleled: In the above image, body hairs, stitching and fingerprint ridges captured in exquisite detail, all in one image, using C...
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