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Showing posts from February 9, 2020

BIBLE | Three (and a half) things I learned from my encounter with the Holy Spirit

The unfolding of your words gives light.   — Psalm 119:1 "So, how do you know it was the Holy Spirit?" Certainly not by being told by anyone. It's obvious by the conversation, and even more so as time goes on (see the above verse). Even if it weren't, it doesn't matter. The words spoken were truth; and, truth can be spoken by anyone—even the Devil—and never be any less truth. All I need to know about someone can be determined by their conversation with you. If you know what is good, holy, righteous, prudent, wise, you will know value when you see it. What's included... This post lists three vital facts about your salvation as imparted by my direct encounter with the Holy Spirit in April 2014. They all have a basis in Scripture; so, don't think I am trying to change or add to what you should already know. By informing you of these, I am merely supporting with experience and not just biblical knowledge the same assertions heard in many a sermon. W