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Showing posts from October 12, 2014

Jailhouse letter writer dies of apparent drug overdose, possibly suicide

I'm not feeling my usual witty, poignant writer-self today. After having confronted my family for endangering my life with talk of being a pedophile [see  Voices Demons: "Your family will be arrestable" ], I've been ejected from my home—with no money, no place to go, no warm clothes, no transportation, no medical care, etc. It is raining, and I am hungry. Plus, any word on Elizabeth, the woman-now-angel that is the subject of this post, deserves my best effort, because she gave me hers. Right now, circumstances stand in the way, and I just don't have enough to give; my immediate needs, just like hers were (as you'll see below), are big. Still, something must be said—and said right now—so I'll just post what I have, and finish it when I can. There's plenty there for you to get a general idea of how this rare jewel died, and how unfair her life was right at the end. But, first, a word of caution before broaching this situation in anyway tangibl

Demon-people drama: "I think I'm finally getting to him"

It started with a bizarre lambasting of a video in a recent post, namely,  VIDEO | Demon-exorcising power (finally) caught on camera , but really picked up steam when an ages-old plot to "get to [me]" revealed itself in an unintentionally made-public post by the lambaster himself. Here's the lambaste: My advertisement of a post which contained the contentious video I get criticized by demons and their people all at once, in that it was happening in my home, on the phone, etc., so I knew that the feedback I was getting on the quality of the video was not sincere concern, but rather a continuation of an ongoing effort at demon-led drama. Now, I doubt that makes sense to anyone new to this problem, especially if going with just what you see here so far which isn't enough to make a connection between demons' continuous application of stress and a guy who appears to be simply rude, ignorant and lazy. For those people, then, let me proffer his timeline post to

Voices Demons: "Your family will be arrestable"

This is a jumble coupled with a ramble; like all my stories, there's a lot to tell. It took a lot of time and energy just to put all the other posts that are relevant on this blog in just one, and it's starting to get too large to hold readers' attention. I'll come back to it later; but, you can start digesting what I've posted so far right now, keeping in mind that, no matter what your or my understanding of the issues are, this was inevitable per Christ, who said: They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law. [ Luke 12:53 ] I'm sure he meant the divisions arising from allegiance to Him versus, well, otherwise. There's no such thing as a little or white or justifiable or necessary or harmless lie. He who is faithful in a very little [thing] is faithful also in much, and he who is dishonest and unjus