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Showing posts from December 7, 2014

VIDEO | Hole opens in left armpit

A couple of nights ago, a demon or demons opened a hole in my left armpit, right next to my heart, which was captured on video: Two nights ago, a hole opened in my left armpit To quash any skepticism likely to arise from such an incredulous claim, my normal armpit is shown just a few seconds before and after the portion of the video showing the hole in it: My left armpit looks normal seconds before a hole in it is opened Not only that, but you can actually see the hole closing the third time my armpit is shown (below), followed by the cloaked stitching holding it closed (not shown): The hole can actually be seen closing in the video, negating any skepticism concerning shadows The following video clip highlights those four things, specifically, my normal armpit, the hole, its closing, and the stitching: Hole targets, damages heart The Voices Demons stated only that it was part of their ongoing and continual effort to destroy my health and appearance, but would

Frequently-asked questions by paranormal experts re demon, ghost image-mapping

This is a technology post that answers the most frequent questions posed by paranormal investigators and researchers pertaining to image-mapping cloaked (semi-invisible) demons in the dark in digital media [ see TECHNOLOGY | Automating mapping of demons hidden in digital media ] (the important questions, as posed and answered by me, follow, which supplement the instructions contained in the aforementioned post ). It is intended to serve a very underserved profession [ see   Paranormal investigators ill-equipped for demonic possessions ] and to inform (strangely) somewhat uninformed professionals [ see California paranormal societies, groups, investigators and ghost hunters asked to weigh in on demonic activity ] among them, who I believe are the most entitled to both as willing and able full-time devotees to document the world's number one problem—the demonic plague; the information and instructions themselves are intended to validate and justify their chosen profession for t