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Showing posts from October 16, 2016

PRISON | Latest letter evokes nightmares of isolation

Lately, demons and their people have been threatening to throw me in prison, one of many things they state they intend to do, in addition to the around-the-clock onslaught of violence now underway. So, what a coincidence (or, not so...?) I thought it was to receive a fourth letter from Timotht Ross ( below ), Jr., who sounds awfully happy, which neither makes sense to me nor demons and their people to hear that from an inmate at Pelican Bay State Prisoner. From Timothy Ross, Jr. ( page one ) From Timothy Ross, Jr. ( page two ) From Timothy Ross, Jr. ( page three ) From Timothy Ross, Jr. ( page four ) I doubt I'll say that in response—who am I to rain on his parade and tell someone to feel bad when they say they feel good? Besides, by the time he gets another letter from my slow-ass letter-writing self, his up will have long gone down (if prison is like it's always been, and if he's anything like me or the several thousand inmates I've known). I've lear

READER | You vs. the Devil: How that battle is (or, rather, was) won

The title of this post could be misleading if it weren't for the qualifier was , in that is implies a battle between you and the Devil, the outcome of which being in question; but, that is the anti-thesis of true faith, being dubbed the lie nearly 2,000 years ago Even  him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” — ‭‭ 2 Thessalonians‬ ‭2:9-12‬ ‭KJV‬ ‬ The Truth is that the battle with sin is over; the Devil has been defeated. And, this, by and through the Cross. From here, it's a matter of appropriating the free gift of Salvation afforded you by the blood of Jesus Christ, and that not by fighting a bat

24-Hour Demoniac Crisis Hotline opens on Facebook

On Monday, October 17th, 2016, a reader wrote: So if all this is happening on extreme levels to all humanity and literally to all that exists on this earth how do you fight them. How do you break free. Besides Jesus what are things that one can do bc I'm exhausted  On that same day,   The Life of a Demoniac 24-Hour Crisis Hotline  responded: Excellent question; so glad you asked. It's exactly what should be asked first when presented with the facts. Unfortunately, on no occasion within the five years I've blogged has anyone even acknowledged any other problems but their own; and, never has anyone without such problems expressed an interest in anything other than being entertained by the accounts of those with them.   Readers post their questions directly to The Life of a Demoniac  Facebook Page, and can also reach live help via Messenger (or phone) The mind of the aforementioned afflicted is a selfish one, and seeks only the return of its comforts, and not one