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Showing posts from April 24, 2016

Green orb examines, but does not attack

Once you've seen one green orb video, you've seen them all, really; but, there's still a point to posting more than one when such a video shows behavior far different from that shown in all the others. Of all the videos on this blog showing a green orb, only this one shows an orb examining, but not attacking: At least not the rider, anyway. How a green orb makes a distinction between friend and foe (me, not a friend; the other guy, not a foe) obviously requires a close-up look. What it sees that defines a person one way or the other, however, remains unknown. For more videos showing green orbs, search this blog for orbs .

Second Prison Letter Response: Prayers borne of true faith never go unanswered

I got another one today [ see   Prison Letter Response: The why and how of loving God as a murderer ], this time from the youngest—incarcerated at age 15, although now 27—whereas the first letter was from an over 35-years-old (although also incarcerated young, specifically, at age 17). The other difference between the two is the writer of this latest letter goes home soon; the first writer is imprisoned for life [ see also The Prison Letters of a Demoniac ]. NOTE | Or, so they say. God-willing (and He is), more on that later. For now, let's just say l have plans, and So does He [ read  Isaiah 42:7; Isaiah 51:14; Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:18]. We'll see what's up in the future... Anyway, I haven't finished reading this one yet; each letter I write and receive are like treasures to me—treasures that require the greatest of care and handling. Both my body and mind and soul need to be in the right place, and it needs to be the right time before I introduce someone's eter