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Showing posts from November 4, 2012

#454 - Recurring demonic assault leads to permanent disability, self-neglect

Although how the long-term consequences are yet to be revealed, constant attacks to my head by demons—either by the grappling of the back of my head by an imp demon or by the insertion of a cloaked-hand directly into my skull by a centurion-like demon (shown below)—have led to vertigo, fatigue and blurry vision; hearing is occasionally impaired as, well: This variety of demon inserts its cloaked hand inside the skull of a human to cause dizziness, instant flu-like symptoms, headache, blurry vision and impaired hearing ( more info about this photo ) The sensation is just those, but, as the demon causes the injury, I can hear a crackling noise in my ears and back of my head. A headache always ensures. What precipitates these attacks is a schedule kept by the Voices Demons, which shows the times and number of attacks to be perpetrated in a given day. Between those appointments are pretexts for violence, which are all completely ridiculous. The point of repetition is to event

#453 - PHOTOS/VIDEOS | Further demonic possession revealed

This post will eventually contain as many photos and videos showing demonic possession as I have in my collection; however, in the interim, you will have to settle for what is provided in this post, and in previous posts, such as  PHOTOS | The demon possessing me, revealed ,  TECHNOLOGY | Highlighting demons possessing a human as shown on video  and  PHOTO | The eyes of another demon possessing . A still frame processed by the latest development version of the Photoshop action applied to videos revealing demonic possession (in the dark) The following video clip was processed frame-by-frame in Photoshop to highlight my inner demon, which is revealed whenever the light emitted by my laptop screen goes dim: No custom artwork was performed; rather, the video clip was imported into Photoshop, where each frame was converted into a layer. Then, a Photoshop Action was created to automate the following changes for each of the over 170 frames in this video: add a Levels adjus

#452 - PREVIEW | More Voices Demons' Conversation (with me and others)

Things the Voices Demons have said today—all day—written verbatim, from recordings and inter-personal conversation. Female #1 Listen here, Mr. B: we don't like you; so, we're going to have to create a problem for you. He's remanded! He's remanded! He's remanded for a lifetime! And, if I have anything to do about it, I wouldn't even let him breathe air. He masturbated on us, this time, way too much. When we take Scratchen away from him... [loud bang, intended to hurt my ear, per the Voices Demons] Female #2 Masturbate a whole problem for us, James B., and we may just get over on you. Male #1 Pedophile charges are a cogent option for us. Female #1 James, you're fucking up my program! You're fucking up my program! I won't let you do that! Male I'll let them know. [repeats in an echo kind of way that is unique to Voices Demons] Female #2 Tuzzo people don't get violent, James B. They get even, then they get violent. Femal

#451 - VIDEO | Second woman possessed by demon wearing clown-like makeup

When a female guest leaned into my shot while making video during the period of high demonic activity tonight, her inner demon expressed itself, revealing the fact that it's male, but likes to wear makeup: While all frames in this portion of the video consistently show the profile of the possessing demon, this one gives the best overall view: As my guest leans into the shot (upper-right), her face is shown to be superimposed by that of a demon, similar to the mangled and disordered one seen in  VIDEO | Porn actor's face morphs into demon's in porn video The appearance of the demon's face is not caused by any type of distortion, such as motion blurring or the like; in every frame of the portion of the video clip in which it appears, it is consistently that of the demon's: The demon's face is visible in every frame of the portion of the video in which it is shown; it is not the effect of a motion blur or any other type of distortion Shortly after t

#450 - VIDEOS | What demons look like when they float (instead of walk)

During the period of high demonic activity that occurred tonight, I turned on my iSight camera—as usual—hoping to catch something happening, and, preferably, something new. I got four something-news , in that I obtained four clips of demons floating by, right in front of my face, which are shown in the reflection on a microwave door. This is the first such clip, which, as first, I thought was the reflection of one of my house guests until I noticed that they weren't moving up and down as a walker would were moving at a constant forward speed: When I discovered a second segment showing the same as the first, I was able to compare the two to make sure I wasn't looking at a reflection of something that I thought was a person (or demon), and that the motion comprising its "walk" wasn't coincidental: Although I was convinced by the first and second segments that I was watching demon float by, a third segment cinched it; it shows two demons of differing size: