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Showing posts from September 8, 2019

A tool for second-guessing their intentions (DRAFT)

This post—a draft introduces the first proven means for shielding you against ambient demonic activity. It stops night terrors completely and enables lucidity in demon-induced dreaming. It drives demons out of your head while you sleep (which is where they are at night), and keeps them out. What your mind thinks about it, what it doesn't think about, and how much or little time it does either should be up to you; but, as demons would have it, it isn't. Your life should also be torture-free; demons would not have that, either. NOTE | Following is demonic idiom for the above paragraph (I threw it in to be interesting): " I have adamantly stated my disagreement with  putting pictures in peoples' minds to think about while they sleep  by developing a tool that second-guesses their intentions . Now, everyone can be over-ratingly superior in their mind's eye . Anyone want to take a guess as to what that means in normal speech? Abductive reasoning ahead... Demons

The end (of nightmares) is here

About this post.. Let's just say: It was about time to hymn them up... Today, a fellow Quora user asked: Is sleep paralysis paranormal? Lately, Quora has been receiving a lot questions related to the phenomena sometimes called demon nightmares — enough, in fact, that I have once again become one of Quora's top writers on the subject of demons: A most viewed writer on demons for Quora—yet again Having recently proven a sure-fire way to put an end to those for myself, I decided this question and others like it would be a great opportunity to share my knowledge. This post contains my answers to two questions published to Quora related to ambient demonic activity, and (indirectly) introduces my solution to it: Q: Is sleep paralysis paranormal? A: Yes, it is paranormal—demonic, to be exact. It is never anything else, certainly not a “combination of lazy leg and hallucinations” as bold-faced liars will tell you and the lazy will believe. It is a form