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Showing posts from May 10, 2015

GALLERY | Demon doorknob (and more...)

This post contains images that are the various results from my imaging filter tests. It is similar to The Desktop of a Demoniac , which was updated every so often with snapshots of my Mac or iPhone workspace as I developed GIMP and Photoshop methods for processing images showing demonic activity. There are only a few pics to start; but, I will post more as I acquire other interesting ones while testing. Left alone in a virtual stranger's pitch-black three-car garage-made-for-living for about a minute more than I was comfortable with prompted me to turn on my iPhone camera to find out what might be lurking about. As it turns out, I was surrounded by dozens upon dozens of demons in every nook and cranny of the place. There wasn't an uninteresting one among them; but, these three caught my eye because they are far more unique than I usually encounter: Three (or more) needle-head variety demons The same still frame ( left ), enhanced, revealed a different variety of d...

VIDEO | Hand-like, demonic tendril rises in front of TV

About this post (updated 8/29/2015) Have you ever wondered, "Why do 'crazy' people always take their electronics apart?" Believe it or not, it's because they know it's their electronics that made them crazy—or something inside them, that is... What I thought at first was just a part of the image on the TV, shown just outside the door in the room in which my video camera was set up, turned out to be a demonic tendril on closer inspection, which rose from either the console in front of the TV or from somewhere behind it: What I thought was an image on TV turns out to be a demonic tendril, which rose from somewhere on top of the armoire I processed a close-up with image-editing software in the following manner, in order to capture some of the tendril's details: A still frame showing the tendril, processed by my mean-of-the-minimum-and-maximum (3x3, leveled)  imaging filter; it looks like a raw catfish steak That helped some; but, a better wa...

BIBLE | The Study Notes of a Demoniac [Phil. 2:13]

Having difficulty ascertaining the relevance of the Word to your life or situation? Not seeing the pressing need to be involved with God? If you need more trust in the process from sinner to saint, know this: your very notion that you should ascertain the need for and value of being a follower of The Way, when coupled with just one small step—reading The Word—is all the evidence you need that God is working in you. “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” ‭‭ Philippians‬ ‭2:13‬ ‭KJV ‬‬ God promises to see you through that process; so, whatever has happened, is happening, and will happen will not impinge or impede His will in this regard, so long as you go where He leads. If you are even slightly compelled to follow Jesus, nurture it, grow it, build on it until you can stand on it safely and securely, cherishing what you have as if it were as vital as the air you breathe.

TECHNOLOGY | Decloaking Demons | Frequency, spatial domain & morphological filtering

I'm putting this post together right now; you can check back every 5 minutes or so for updates. I post early whenever I think I've got something interesting to share that shouldn't wait. In spite of my circumstances, that's not very often. Most people already know what they are doing (or not doing)—which this post sort of eludes to in so many ways, but directly—so what "news" do I really have? That a sucker demon flew up my nose?! They already know that, by reason that they are the ones who sent it. By the way, here's the video of that sucker demon flying up my nose: What I think this post will offer, then, is not new information, but a new way to see it. People may know what they are throwing on people, and they may know and/or have seen the damage the things thrown on people by them inflict; but, I know for a fact that they do not have the equipment or know-how to see the actual demonic entities they wield as weapons and instruments of torture (a...