This post contains images that are the various results from my imaging filter tests. It is similar to The Desktop of a Demoniac , which was updated every so often with snapshots of my Mac or iPhone workspace as I developed GIMP and Photoshop methods for processing images showing demonic activity. There are only a few pics to start; but, I will post more as I acquire other interesting ones while testing. Left alone in a virtual stranger's pitch-black three-car garage-made-for-living for about a minute more than I was comfortable with prompted me to turn on my iPhone camera to find out what might be lurking about. As it turns out, I was surrounded by dozens upon dozens of demons in every nook and cranny of the place. There wasn't an uninteresting one among them; but, these three caught my eye because they are far more unique than I usually encounter: Three (or more) needle-head variety demons The same still frame ( left ), enhanced, revealed a different variety of d...
My inevitable demise, daily.