Sometimes, it's easier than I've made it look in other posts to this blog to produce a great image showing a demon from a blurry, dark still frame (the best lighting, and sometimes only means of acquiring any such image) like this one: On the left, enhancements to an image made to the original on the right, which shows with just one side of the demon's face This short post shows a technique that is far simpler than processing an image pixel-by-pixel using image-quality metrics and statistics; specifically, one by which you duplicate the better half of a demon's head in two, and join it, mirrored, to the other half. NOTE | That's 1) cut-and-paste , 2) mirror horizontally, and then 3) move in Photoshop and GIMP. Here are the results of that technique applied to a still frame taken from a video made yesterday: 1) An image showing only half a demon's head ( right ) 2) Half of the head, copied and pasted on a new layer (duplicated) 3) A horizon...
My inevitable demise, daily.