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Showing posts from April 23, 2017

TIP | Quick-and-dirty demon pic enhancements

Sometimes, it's easier than I've made it look in other posts to this blog to produce a great image showing a demon from a blurry, dark still frame (the best lighting, and sometimes only means of acquiring any such image) like this one: On the left, enhancements to an image made to the original on the right, which shows with just one side of the demon's face This short post shows a technique that is far simpler than processing an image pixel-by-pixel using image-quality metrics and statistics; specifically, one by which you duplicate the better half of a demon's head in two, and join it, mirrored, to the other half. NOTE | That's 1) cut-and-paste , 2) mirror horizontally, and then 3) move in Photoshop and GIMP. Here are the results of that technique applied to a still frame taken from a video made yesterday: 1) An image showing only half a demon's head ( right ) 2) Half of the head, copied and pasted on a new layer (duplicated)  3) A horizon...

TIP | Using Google to search The Life of a Demoniac

DRAFT.... One thing I've learned over the course of my problematic existence is that tackling a big problem (such as living the life of a demoniac) becomes more manageable when broken down into its constituent parts. By examining its intricacies, I can group smaller problems by similarity, and then work on one problem independently of the others; and, by revealing any connections between them that were once concealed in their combination, I can free up time and effort by formulating strategies that not only solve more than just one problem, but that also complement each other so that they can be combined into one big solution to the one big problem I started with. Data analysts call this the split-apply-combine strategy ; and, if you're reading this blog because you have a problem like mine, you'd do well to become a one-man, splitting-applying-combining strategic machine real fast. If that is, in fact, your problem, you've come to the right place to eventually be...