For my part, the demon problem has advanced from the occasional photo- or video-sighting of things that go bump in the night of 2011 to the elbows-deep engagement in a literal war against the powers-that-be of 2016. But, for some, that is all just beginning—even 5 years after mine—as is the case for a reader who recently shared his (overt) encounters with demons with me and readers of the Wordpress version of this blog. Yesterday, he wrote: CJ commented on Crystal methamphetamine use common denominator among demon-led local terror groups About six years ago, if someone had referred me to the web page, The Truth about Meth, Witchcraft and Demons, I would have … I am 20 years old. I started reading the Bible in late 2015. I wanted a relationship with God and tried my best to be a Christian during the week but on the weekends i would party with my friends. I asked God to give me dreams about what I was doing wrong and for months i would have dreams of partying. Dre...
My inevitable demise, daily.