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Showing posts from November 2, 2014

IN PROGRESS | Strangest things, places demons possess

My blah, blah blog about tree demons Starting several years ago, tree demons and blanket demons and the like have always been plentiful during periods of high demonic activity; there always have been—and continue to be—so many, in fact, that I don't usually post (or even take) pics of them anymore unless there's something new or unusual about a particular tree or pile of clothes as compared to others. For example, if a demon blends with a tree or article of clothing in a particularly exceptional way—like the one who reshaped its face on a silk scarf once every 1/10th of a second , keeping up very well against the rapidly changing folds of the scarf as it blew in the wind, I will mention it; or, if a demon picks up his tree and walks behind me with it , I'll say something (if I can); and, if I happen to catch on camera a demon breathing life-and-body to a jacket it is possessing, I'll post that video. Capturing an angry tree demon in attack mode, brandishing a

Demonic bombs, noggin' crunches and flying demonic snakes for breakfast

This is a post-in-progress. At first, I was only going to post the clip showing the two demonic bombs stabbing me in the back; but, as I skimmed the remainder of the video, I found over a dozen other points of interest, which I'm now processing. At first glance, you may think Long isn't really about house-cleaning, judging by the clutter in his kitchen ; but, then, you get hit with an array of demonic bombs when sit down at the dining table, and you know his mess has a reason for being: A still frame showing the two snake-like demonic weapons that struck me in the back Heavy sharpening and color-contrasting reveals the details and markings of the weapons (click to enlarge) This video shows two demonic bombs striking my back; the first one can be seen retreating from my back, while the second is advancing towards it. In an attempt to avoid camera detection, the first bomb snakes back to its source by following the groove between the refrigerator doors: Thr

IN-PROGRESS | Enhancing nighttime outdoor images showing demonic activity with GIMP 2.8

Most demonic attacks happen when you cross a border from light to dark during a period of high demonic activity; it is somewhere in the twilight in-between that creates an opportunity for demons to create and or access portals for materialization and power use and exchange [ see Demonic Feng Shui ]. At night, that most commonly occurs when you're walking in the light of a street lamp, and then step in the shadow of a tree. The things that can happen when you take just that one step will astound you; and, when caught on camera, will astound others. Accordingly, during the last period of high demonic activity, I made several videos of walks at night while recording my face with my iPhone 5s. As predicted, I captured some astounding (and horrifying) images. By far, the most astounding images I captured are shown in  Repeated strikes to the neck by metal-spiked, mechanical tentacle , which shows one of several demonic torture devices used to degrade your skin, muscles and bones by