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Showing posts from March 8, 2015

TECHNOLOGY | Image-filters-to-iPhone ports-in-progress marks major milestone...

It was not the successful hurdling of mind-bending mathematics or the implementation of highly complex image-processing formulae that marked the first major milestone in the crusade to make visible what is otherwise invisible, even though anyone would say it's painful to even glance at the work it takes to decloak demons in digital media, let alone make it happen; rather, it was establishing a platform to distribute it population-wide. In fact, that's the only thing that matters with regards to this initiative. Demons are everyone's problem, and there are a lot of them. To achieve some measure of parity and level of protection, everyone will have to contribute something to that end; and, only a well-equipped people will be successful. Hence, the image filters made available on the iPhone (whereas, so far, they have been developed on and packaged for the desktop only), which has been a long, long time in the coming: Two sample Xcode projects from Apple enable

TECHNOLOGY | Automatic, pixel-perfect shadow contrasting, sharpening, color-stretching and levels

The number of effective, indispensable and essential tools for finding demons in the dark has increased by many today, and shadow-lurking demons are all the more nervous. Contrast stretching The first one is an image-enhancement procedure called contrast stretching, and it improves the contrast in an image by increasing the range of intensity values it contains to span a desired range of values, specifically, the full range of pixel values defined by the type of image. Without it, things lurking in the shadows stay hidden; with it, an image acquires depth by revealing a new layer of detail within those shadows. Typically, this is a non-problem for most picture-takers; but, for those looking for things in shadows and in the dark, every pixel counts. The two transformation operators used to alter intensity values are: Logarithmic. The dynamic range of an image can be compressed by replacing each pixel value with its logarithm, specifically, by enhancing the low-intensity pixel