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Showing posts from March 12, 2017

How demons, their people manufacture victims to ease murderers' conscience

If you're a demon-allied human finally feeling a little guilty after years of providing material support and resources, and concealing or disguising the nature, location, source, or ownership of material support and resources, of demon terrorists, knowing or intending that they are to be used in preparation for, or in carrying out their plot to subvert the world's governments and enslave its peoples, and after having murdered and attempting to murder your [innocent, unsuspecting, and defenseless] neighbors on their behalf using illegally imported weapons of mass destruction, perhaps you could use a little refreshment this Friday after work. Surely, if treason and conspiracy, plus the mass culling of the world's human population, is making your throat a bit dry, a relaxing drink among like-minding individuals is just what the doctor ordered. NOTE | As persons allowed to receive adequate medical care with impunity, unlike your victims, you are permitted to actually follow

SCIENCE | Different light levels reveal different cloaked entities

Not all cloaks are the same. Not only do they vary by degree of transparency, but by reflectivity. It is important to know how the amount of light a given cloak reflects when capturing and processing digital media of cloaked entities affects their visibility. Different light levels reveal different cloaked entities This post expands the discussion of chroma, and provides new information on the effects of ambient light on the visibility of cloaked entities in digital media. It is a companion to  Comparing demonic activity in light and shadow . A similar post talks about how and which environmental characteristics influence the visibility and density (or concentration) of chroma, namely,  Demonic Feng Shui . If you are new to the subject of chroma, read  SCIENCE | Chroma is not just 'color noise'  for the most recent discussion; search also for  chroma  on this blog. You should also read why this subject and full knowledge of it is important:  DIGEST | (TECHNOLOGY) Tips