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Showing posts from June 10, 2012


The original, uncompressed version of Moving Cord  is added to the  Demonic Activity Video Timeline calendar  on January 14th, 2012, at 1.44 AM. The portion of the cable that loops above the table (to the left of the toaster) moves downward three times To view this movie, use  Quicktime Player , and see more clearly what media-sharing websites, such as YouTube, Vimeo and Facebook, render virtually unwatchable by and through their compression scheme that is applied to video files stored on their servers. The power cord to a toaster is moved by an unseen demonic entity—a common occurrence during periods of high paranormal activity.

SCIENCE | Three things you never knew about a centurion demon's mouth

Here are three facts about the mouth of a centurion demon—the man-in-body, devil-in-face demons that range in height from 6' to 13'—that you never knew: When blown into your face, their breath smells similar to and acts like both an amhyl-nitrate substitute ("poppers") and nitrous oxide ("laughing gas"), but is three times the aphrodisiac; there are no side effects, though, save a broken heart that does not mend. Their thin, snake-like tongues and wolf-like teeth prevent all but the occasional whispered word in English. This is a common problem among some humans, too. For example, most pureblood orientals have "short" tongues, which makes it difficult to pronounce many English words, resulting in a very strong accent. Like parrots, they must mimic the sounds they hear in another way because they cannot, for example, touch the tip of their tongue to the back of their upper teeth to make an "N" sound, or press their lips together to mak

VIDEO TIMELINE | Demon in the Dark

The original, uncompressed version of Demon in the Dark  is added to the  Demonic Activity Video Timeline calendar  on January 5th, 2012, at 11.38 PM. That profile, those teeth, and that demonic snarl are not mine (and, I was alone in my apartment) To view this movie, use  Quicktime Player , and see more clearly what media-sharing websites, such as YouTube, Vimeo and Facebook, render virtually unwatchable by and through their compression scheme that is applied to video files stored on their servers. In this video, without warning or awareness, I morph into a green-faced demon, bark something at someone, and then turn into a red-faced imp demon, and do the same. Afterwards, as if nothing happened, I resume my computer work.


The original, uncompressed version of Two of Me  is added to the  Demonic Activity Video Timeline calendar  on January 12th, 2012, at 6.21 PM. I morph into a slightly different version of me, and then back again in mere seconds To view this movie, use  Quicktime Player , and see more clearly what media-sharing websites, such as YouTube, Vimeo and Facebook, render virtually unwatchable by and through their compression scheme that is applied to video files stored on their servers. In this video, without warning or awareness, I morph into a slightly older, scruffier and serious version of me (in the face), and then back to a softer, younger and pensive me, all within mere seconds. A before and after picture is shown after both transformations: Before I morph, with a thin and elongated face, as well as smooth (unwrinkled) skin After I morph, looking older and scruffier, and with deeper creases in the face

VIDEO TIMELINE | Flying Sucker Demon Slinks Over Lamp

The original, uncompressed version of Flying Sucker Demon Slinks Over Lamp  is added to the  Demonic Activity Video Timeline calendar  on May 13th, 2012, at 7.06 AM. A sucker demon slowly slinks over a lamp in order to avoid detection (and retaliation) To view this movie, use  Quicktime Player , and see more clearly what media-sharing websites, such as YouTube, Vimeo and Facebook, render virtually unwatchable by and through their compression scheme that is applied to video files stored on their servers. In this video, a sucker demon slowly slinks over the top of a table lamp, hoping to avoid retaliation by flames for having assisted the Red Horde in their early morning attack.

BIBLE | Smile while you vanquish demons

God says that a good attitude is key to fighting demons (or the like). In " God's Answer for Weariness ," Joyce Meyer speaks on one's attitude during a storm such as that presented by a horde of demons, and she speaks on the importance of recognizing and maintaining one's control over your attitude while weathering said storm. To help with this, she says, we have a couple of promises from God that we can keep in mind: He gives power to the faint and weary, and to him who has no might. He increases strength [causing it to multiply and making it to abound]. - Isaiah 40:29 But those who wait for the Lord shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. - Isaiah 40:31 Here's what she had to say about the last verse, and, in particular, the 'eagle' analogy in Isaiah 40:31: You have to understand something abo

VIDEO TIMELINE | Sucker Demon In My Bed

The original, uncompressed version of Sucker Demon In My Bed  is added to the  Demonic Activity Video Timeline calendar  on April 14th, 2012, at 11.07 PM. A sucker demon slinks past my right shoulder as I search for it in a tangle of sheets To view this movie, use  Quicktime Player , and see more clearly what media-sharing websites, such as YouTube, Vimeo and Facebook, render virtually unwatchable by and through their compression scheme that is applied to video files stored on their servers. In this video, a sucker demon attempts to evade capture as I try to locate it in a tangle of sheets; lucky for it, it slinked by my right shoulder unnoticed, and without getting caught by anything other than the camera.

JUSTICE | Superior Court attempts to thwart eviction appeal

The appeal of my eviction was dismissed for failure to pay the reporter's transcripts fee. I thought that this was an error since I applied for an order waiving fees, which was granted; however, today, Emily, a clerk at the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara, Civil Division, said that all fees are covered by the fee waiver except  the reporter's transcripts fee. Even still, dismissing the case seems harsh and unwarranted. All other courts favor any and all remedies just shy of that; rarely, do they ever resort to a dismissal. Simply not providing transcripts, but leaving the case otherwise untouched, would be the typical and expected response—unless, of course, you consider the fact that demons were involved in the original proceedings. This is the letter that I attempted to correct the problem with, although it will not: Letter to the Clerk of the Superior Court re Wrongful Dismissal of Appeal of Unlawful Detainer Action

JUSTICE | Demon doctor will fail to skirt HIPAA Privacy Rule violation

Dr. Dean Winslow, M.D., the demon-affiliated doctor who outed HIV-positive inmates at the fifth largest correctional facility in California, namely, the Santa Clara County Department of Correction, will likely fail to skirt sanctions for violating the HIPAA Privacy Rule for the reasons described in the letter below: Letter to the Department of Health & Human Services, Office for Civil Rights While it has not yet been decided by the Office for Civil Rights whether they will reopen the portion of the complaint against Dr. Winslow pertaining to the violation of medical privacy rights, they have specifically indicated that the portion pertaining to retaliation for filing a complaint will be investigated. More on that later...

VIDEO TIMELINE | Devil on His Shoulder

The original, uncompressed version of Devil on His Shoulder  is added to the  Demonic Activity Video Timeline calendar  on January 29th, 2012, at 8.57 PM. The face of a centurion demon, blended with the glare from a nearby lamp, hovering over a demon collaborator To view this movie, use  Quicktime Player , and see more clearly what media-sharing websites, such as YouTube, Vimeo and Facebook, render virtually unwatchable by and through their compression scheme that is applied to video files stored on their servers. In it, a centurion demon blends its face with the glare from a nearby table lamp, and hovers over the shoulder a demon collaborator.