Even as the walls and floor of my bathroom swayed, swelled, shrunk, bulged, twisted, leaned and otherwise did everything they could to keep me from witnessing what I knew were strange going-ons in the kitchen, I still somehow managed to stick my arm out of the window, iPhone in hand, pointing at the kitchen from the outside. Just inside it, I watched (among other things) a hooded and robed render Long unconscious right before he dropped into a portal right underneath his feet, with demons riding shotgun on his back, and one having emerged from the back of his hand just seconds before. That much I got on video, which is still in post-processing to remove the chroma caused by demonic radiation and the darkness caused by demon-meddling with my equipment. While that completes, a couple of stills will be posted [see below] showing some of the other demonic activity seen in the video, such as the emergence of a fat-faced female demon from the back of Long's hand, inflating into view l...
My inevitable demise, daily.