This post is not even coherent yet; but, I couldn't wait to share it with some of my more avid readers. You can see where it's going, even if it's still in the alpha stage. There is much, much more to be added, as I received a lot of responses. You will find, though, that even while many acknowledged the authenticity of my blog, no investigator is anywhere near 'not bullshit...' This post is similar to a previous post, namely, California paranormal societies, groups, investigators and ghost hunters asked to weigh in on demonic activity . Imagine this: you call the fire department and tell them your house is on fire; but, when the firemen arrive to the scene, one of them asks you, confusedly, even while flames pour out of every window of your home, "Now, what exactly is the problem? Provide me with as much detail as you can." That's exactly how dumb some paranormal investigators act. Allow me to demonstrate. This plea for help was sent to nearly...
My inevitable demise, daily.