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Showing posts from March 24, 2013

#550 - READER | Cyberstalker harasses multiple targets

My cyberstalker, who continues to send hateful e-mails, and continues to solicit men purported to be prostitutes to engage in acts of coprophilia using my name and contact information, also targets other men with such e-mails. This morning, I received an e-mail from a man claiming to be one of those targets: Reply to e-mail from victim of cyberstalking Here's the e-mail he is referring to [see also CRIME | Another threat by e-mail . Harassing e-mail from cyberstalker posing as another victim by James Alan Bush Alleged prostitutes solicited Recently, I received an e-mail from a man who purports to be interested in taking me up on my offer to pay him to defecate in my mouth, which is an offer I did not make; moreover, I do not believe that the e-mail was sent to me by the man. Rather, after arranging the particulars, the cyberstalker simply passed the man's e-mail over to me (or, it was just meant to look like that). You'll see what I mean when you read the e-m

#549 - PHOTO/VIDEO | Eye spider demon's anemone-like tendrils rise to skin's surface

By mere chance, I was able to capture on video the tendrils of an eye spider demon, which was ensconced underneath my skin, emerge to the surface, looking like a sea anemone: The anemone-like tendrils of an eye spider demon, submerged beneath my skin on my back (between the scapulas) The same image, masked, to spotlight where the tendrils emerge; notice the nearly identical length and appearance of the tendrils, which looks like hair (but differs from that of my natural hair) As always, the emergence of the tendrils looks best when viewing the video on an iPhone 5; however, if you compare the area of the back where the tendrils will emerge when it first enters into view to the area when they have emerged, you will see that the tendrils did indeed arise as described: TIP | Set the quality of the video to 1080p (HD). Also in the video, a cloaked sucker demon is revealed by the proximity and motion of the camera (two factors that reveal most invisible demons in digital media);

#548 - SCIENCE | Eye spider demon's cloak and strength rely on solar power

Before reading this post, find out what eye spider demons look like on the surface of your skin in  VIDEO TIMELINE | Eye Spider Demon, Dismembered  [ see also  VIDEO | Flailing leg of an eye spider demon ], and what they look like underneath your skin in  VIDEO TIMELINE | Eye Spider Demon Traveling Underneath Skin  [ see also  VIDEO | Eye spider demon traveling under my skin ]. Also, read how the Voices Demons use them to hurt people in VIDEO | Cloaked eye spider demon (?) blurs vision  and  Demons put "eye spiders" in eye sockets, nose and ears—and worse  [ see also   Nerves, fingernails damaged from fighting sucker and eye spider demons ]. Eye spider demons invisible in light, visible in dark Eye spider demons affect a near-perfect cloak in broad daylight, but are rendered visible in dim light. You would think that darkness would be a boon to this demon's effort to become invisible; however, a glass-paneled mirror, a towel draped over the lights, and a pinch-hold

#547 - PHOTOS | The Door Demon

In the same video by which the claw-grip hand attachment to the demonic extensible arm was discovered [ see   PHOTOS | Adjustable claw-grip hands replace possessed's for demon corpse clean-up ], a demon recreated its visage using just shadow and light on a flat surface, specifically, by bending the light reflecting off my bathroom door: Sharpened and contrast-adjusted still frame image, showing a demon's visage recreated by the interplay of light and shadow on my bathroom door The same image, bordered by a semi-transparent mask for easier identification The original still frame, in which both the door demon (above) and the blanket demon (below) can be seen simultaneously The door demon is the first to bend light with its cloaked body to depict its face on a flat surface, which, by the way, is a pretty amazing feat. It must contort its form, while thicking and thinning varius parts of itself in order to create a lens or prism that would bend light in such a way as t

#546 - PHOTOS | Adjustable claw-grip hands replace possessed's for demon corpse clean-up

On nearly any other display besides that of an iPhone 5 at its highest brightness setting, the images in this post appear too dark; when I can get to a desktop computer on which I can access (or install) GIMP or Photoshop, they will remain so. I will announce the update when made. A recent series of still frames from a video made of [name removed] during a period of high demonic activity shows that the hands of demons and the demon-possessed can change not only into an array of needle-like blades for stabbing people in the head and vital organs [ see PHOTOS | Humans—not just demons—take part in repeated piercings to head and vital organs ], but also into a sort of picker similar to the kind attached to the arm of cranes commonly used in metal scrapyards: The extensible claws of the newly discovered demonic hand bears a resemblance to robotic assembly equipment As is made apparent by the still frame above, this newly discovered demonic hand substitute can be used to carry thing

#545 - PHOTOS | Demon tendrils protrude from each palm

About a week ago, what I guessed to be a cloaked demon tendril emerged from the palm of each hand; from what I could feel at the time, I estimated that each tendril stuck out approximately one-half of an inch. Being invisible and in a state that allows matter to pass through it unaffected, all I could do at the time was feel , and what so felt were those two things. Today, though, I got to see what was there by and through a few still frames taken from a video made by mere happenstance of my hand. They show these tendrils uncloaked, confirming (much to my dismay) that I do indeed know by touch the feel of a cloaked demon tendril. Ugh. Here's what they look like, close-up: A demon tendril, protruding from the palm of my hand The tendrils are not visible in every frame; rather, just these few. In all other still frames, my palm looks normal (i.e., no discoloration, etc.). I'm not sure what their role is, though; but, I'm sure it's not a good one. Demon tend

#544 - CRIME | Falsified legal documents filed in collections suit

As suspected in CRIME | Fake attorney: Falsified legal documents filed in hijacked lawsuit , falsified documents were indeed filed in a collections suit abandoned last year when it was discovered that my attorney was, in fact, not an attorney, and had repeatedly lied about the status of the case, while having done absolutely no work on it at all. NOTE | You must read all of the referenced posts to understand this one. You should, by the way, because this scenario represents how powerful demons make problems for humans that they can understand, without resorting to zapping them with a lightning bolt and ending it all. Gil Kreiter, who is still falsely posing as a NYC attorney, and who froze my mother's bank accounts without my knowledge or consent [ see CRIME | Bogus attorney freezes mother's, crippled 8-year-old nephew's bank accounts ],  forwarded to me copies of what appears to be falsified legal documents purportedly filed by the defendant. If true, this confirms m