This is a draft; I need to move on to other things; but, it's good enough for you to get the gist of things... A failure by the Voices Demons to provide Long Cao with information relevant to a reprisal of his ongoing role as the friend-aggrieved-by-friend's-tomfoolery exposed his involvement with them, which he enacts at the behest of the Voices Demons immediately following any maneuver or mishap they consider significant; specifically, he was caught telling a lie for them. That information was that I did attend a court hearing for a small claims case in which I was a witness, in spite of an alleged drug binge that would have precluded attendance. During the hearing in a case in which Long is the plaintiff, he sent this text message, while I sat in the court room, and while he sat at home: Long alleged in a text message that I failed to attend court due to drug use; in fact, I was in court at the time he sent it, while he sat at home (the messages are in...
My inevitable demise, daily.