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Showing posts from September 16, 2012

#409 - What it feels like when a demon possesses you

Following is a description of what it feels like when a demon possesses you initially—not what it feels like during or afterwards—which are topics too broad for this article's narrow focus on the sensation and experience of a demon invading your person. Factors making possession and post-possession difficult to cover in a single post Whereas the physical sensation of being first possessed is nearly universal, the "during" and "after"  varies from person-to-person. The factors that cause such variance include, the duration and frequency in which one is (or has been) possessed, as well as the consequences that possession entails for them, particularly, where it impacts health and survival—as it does in my case; further variance includes such factors as a given victim's  awareness and understanding of possession. Awareness and priority are key differentiation factors from victim's standpoint Finally, there's the priority a victim gives the matter (

#408 - VIDEO/PHOTOS | Sucker demon pierces my neck with tendril

A video made several days ago during a Voices Demons-initated attack by sucker demons shows a tendril of a sucker demon piercing my neck in as I (try to) lay in my bed; and, it shows a second tendril lashing my eye after I pull the first tendril out of my neck. Because the video is difficult to follow, these two still frames from that video are provided below, showing both of the aforedescribed events: A tendril of a sucker demon pierces my neck ( enhanced ) A second tendril lashes my eye after I pulled out the first ( enhanced ) This is the video, which is still being edited: The following still frame shows a sucker demon similar to the one that attacked me in my bed, as shown above: The tendrils of a sucker demon, spread out over the top of my head as I reach to pull it off, while at a beach in San Gregario Cuts and scrapes from earlier attack by sucker demons at the behest of the Voices Demons, which have lasted for hours each, and have continued for several days at

#407 - VIDEO | Second "Demon in the Dark" video proves demonic possession

Most times—if not always—I post to this blog while being screamed at by half-a-dozen voices demons, burned in (not on) the fingertips by sucker demons and in the eyeballs by a centurion-like demon, as well as on the scalp by same. Apparently, the pay-off is substantial enough for them to make this effort (or, so they say); and, for my efforts, I believe the same (even though I would opt for a safer, less painful venue, if one were available). Nevertheless, under these circumstances, my posts are continually updated after the intial posting to correct the many mistakes that creep in them, including missing explanations, bad video or photos, and the like. Consequently, you should return often in the event that something that wasn't explained well the first time around in a post was clarified later in a subsequent revision. In a video clip made early this morning, the red face of a fanged demon superimposes itself over my face, an effect similar to that shown in the original  Demo

#406 - VIDEO/PHOTO | Newly discovered demon variety prone to voyeurism

A new variety of demonic entities were inadvertently discovered from two videos made a couple of days ago, two of which can be distinctly seen in this still frame (look at the upper-left corner to see two smiling faces, peering to the right): An color-enhanced and sharpened still frame taken from a video showing two newly discovered demonic entities of a previously unknown variety (picture-in-picture shows the original) Nothing is known about them, except that they are comparable in height to the average hobgoblin demon and Jawa-lookalike demon, and appear to be the approximate mass of a Jawa-lookalike demon (which, unlike their nearest cousin, specifically, hobgoblin demons, are all nearly the same size and weight). A color, contrast and sharpen-enhanced still frame, showing the two new demons (left-bottom) They appear to be cloaked, in that they were invisible enough that I didn't notice them at the time the video was made or the video itself until I applied the color-e

#405 - PREVIEW | Unedited screen recordings show procedure for enhancing blue-light demon photo

I'm posting these screen recordings that show how I captured, found and enhanced the blue-light demon photo. Later, I intend to use them to create a video that provides instructions for enhancing photos of demons in low-light and other special conditions; however, for now, they may be useful to experienced users of photo-editing software, such as Photoshop and/or GIMP, and to those who might be in a similar situation, and want to start sharing their photos with others. Using GIMP to highlight the demons found in still frames of videos in motion The photo enhancement procedure mirrors that which is described in  TECHNOLOGY | Enhancing photos of demons (and the like) , and which has now been used in two subsequent posts, namely,  VIDEO/PHOTOS | The Pillow Demons  and  VIDEOS/PHOTOS | Dragons in the trees (and curtains) . Step 1: Searching for demons using Quicktime Player X A video made during a period of high demonic activity is skimmed frame-by-frame for demons using Quic