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Showing posts from August 5, 2012

The web site that launched the demonic war

When the demon-led gang-stalkers attacked in 2006, I had no idea—at first—that the demons of my childhood were behind it all. I should have known that something supernatural was at play, though, because of all the things I witnessed; but, back then, I just didn't believe things like this happened often and to this extent. The Sunnyvale Knock web site started the demonic war raging today So, ignoring those things, I started journaling events on a web site that I created, ignoring the demonic stuff all the while, calling it, "The Sunnyvale Knock," the moniker ascribed to me based on my location and my designation by the criminals who attacked. DOWNLOAD THE SUNNYVALE KNOCK WEB SITE   [256 MB] It was this site alone that, in 2006, launched the demonic war that rages to this very day; in spite of its exposure to over half a million people in under two months, it is still a major threat to those who mean to harm others, namely, the demons and their human collab

Scary traffic count on scary day

On August 5th, 2012, this blog received 666 visitors. That number has come up repeatedly over the past week, which has seen non-stop demonic encounters; however, the last time I reported it on this blog was in  HOME | Neighbor's house number is 666—the Mark of the Beast | The Life of a Demoniac . At the time, I said I hoped it was just a coincidence that '666' was my new neighbor's house number; but, as it turns out, it probably wasn't. Also, the last three numbers in the case for unlawful detainer (eviction) involving human-demon collaborator and former landlord, Khoa Nguyen, is '666.' For the record: I'm not particularly into things like that. I certainly don't look for it; but, I try not to leave anything out, either.

VIDEO | Scratchen's life threatened again by repeat of eye illusions

Two buttons on the end of the sleeve of a black jacket tilted at a specific angle towards the camera and lighting and shadow adjustments made by the demon issuing the threat, who issued a threat against Scratchen's life, form Scratchen's eyes; it is traditional to create such an illusion in art for these types of threats One of those violent and hate-filled Jawa-like demons , whose glowing eyes you can see in the beginning of this video, issued a warning against being an enemy of Tuzzo, saying that it would have dire consequences if I did not expect battle to the extreme. It would not repeat the warning for the video camera; the army of Tuzzo is too scared to do that, generally (I guess), which is the other reason I'm not afraid of a three-foot muppet or any other of their foul-smelling kind (by the way, the demon's entrance infused the air with the old familiar smell of fear, which now smells like fight to me). Rather, as shown in this video clip   (MediaFire [5

SECRET AUDIO | Demons recruit Long to taunt about homelessness they caused

An oft-repeated tactic by the Voices Demons is to cause a major life catastrophe well within their means and practice, such as losing your job, home, car, money, relationships, etc.—after repeatedly having announced prior their intent to do so, and after having waiting for you take every preventative and recuperative measure first, in order to try and foil them. Then, having already dispatched a horde of Voices Demons (or collaborator of varying kind), will use your family and/or friends to berate you for having lost those things, and for reasons that have no basis in facts that could even be known to the person stating them, and for reasons that are not even plausible. For example, in the case of theft, you might be berated for not taking appropriate security measures, which could have happened, for example, when a demon walked right into your safe while cloaked and then beamed your money and valuables out of the safe once inside. And, even if that's the case, no one is going to

SECRET VIDEO | Fake fighting, barking police arrest and "drug bust" commands by humans collaborating with demon stress-inducing aims

This videos contains a dialog between three human collaborators, and, in particular, a fake argument over a defective chair sold by a visitor to the owner of the apartment I stayed at last night, as well as police arrest and "bust" commands incoherently interjected into the otherwise coherent conversation (although some parts of it could have just as easily been said in a drug deal). They were overloud, with lights and windows on, late at night. One of them dropped heavy items on the floor to suggest that police could be called for a noise disturbance by the neighbor below, all in order to cause the chronic fear and intimidation that is the daily goal of the Voices Demons. This has been a tactic repeated more times than I can count, and started at the very first party thrown against my wishes by the gang-stalkers in my Sunnyvale home; it continues today, and is even done by children, old woman and other unexpected persons. In my The Sunnyvale Knock web site in 2006, I c

SECRET VIDEO | Demons instruct woman borrowing laptop to hack it

On the fourth day of the Voices Demons-led "Anger Management Ritual", I accidentally turned on my iSight camera on my MacBook Air, and then lent it to a human collaborator, who worked on my laptop, while I laid on a nearby couch pulling sucker demons out of my pillow, sheets, clothes, ears, eyes, mouth, nose and anus on a non-stop basis for nearly 10 hours. The first 5 minutes or so of this video is of me lending my laptop to a woman, who later turned out to possibly be possessed by a hobgoblin demon . It starts by me logging on and checking the network connection for her, after which I pass the computer on to her. Both of us are in the same room with another human collaborator—a man who can be seen in Night of the Gun Chase —both of them allegedly friends; but, when I leave the room, they address each other as co-workers getting paid to help demons hurt me, which is what is going on the entire time I am there. Note how they talk to me versus how they talk to each ot

PHOTO | A demon blended with an ashtray can

I wasn't sure, when looking at the still frames in a video clip made just this morning, if a demon face was blended with the silvery top of an ashtray can. Sometimes, when you've looked at demons all day, everything starts to look like a demon. After skimming a little further, however, an eyeball popped up just where one should go if this image were going to have eyes; so, I guess that means that these demons, which can shrink to the size of your thumb, climb into clothing and bedding, and generally make your life a living hell why you try to get comfortable, can also enlarge themselves. Here's the still frame that I think shows a a green-faced demon: If you look closely, there appears to be an eye on the left side of the face.

VIDEO | Blanket demons and specters of demons merge

Video footage taken while inside the home in Santa Clara where I stayed for almost an entire day during the most recent "Anger Management Ritual" demonic/human attack shows not just a demon blended with a bed sheet, as is typical for a blanket demon, but shows two blanket demons merged into one bed sheet, which is a first for me: A specter of a half-breed demon, which looks like an African woman, lying on her side, with her face tilted towards the floor; the sun-darkened skin of her head contrasts sharply with the light color of her legs But, the best part is this: the video also shows a specter of a half-breed demon that looks like an African woman merged with blanket demons, essentially joining the two types of demons, for a total of four demons, to the same object and, consequently, to each other. In other words, if you focus your eyes in one particular area, the bedspread carelessly tossed on the floor reveals three blanket demons in a row, all facing the same d

VIDEO | 'Spectre Illuminated by Glare from Lamp' resurfaces as matching drawer handles

During today's ongoing Voices Demons-led Anger Management Ritual, which started three days ago, and has continued around the clock since, I used the sepia color mode on my cellphone camera, as usual during this type of attack, to locate and visually enhance cloaked demons; and, while staying overnight at a former acquaintances' house in Santa Clara, there were plenty to detect in his house. In this still frame taken from a video clip made there, you can see the head of a demon blended with the drawer handles on his dresser: The same demon shown in  Specter of Demon Illuminated by Light Glare , blended with dresser drawer handles This is not just any of the hundreds upon hundreds that can be seen in still frames made during an Anger Management Ritual; it is the same demon shown in  Specter of Demon Illuminated by Light Glare : The same demon appearing as dresser drawer handles is shown in  Specter of Demon Illuminated by Light Glare   Following is a preview of th

VIDEO | Demon blends with fire hydrant, gets decapitated

In this great example of demon animated street art from a video made during the most recent demon-led Anger Management Ritual, a demon blends with a nearby fire hydrant, appearing as a green-headed, white robed figure. If you watch the high-quality, double-sized version of the video, you will see the tail lights of a faraway vehicle(?) form its head, which, when placed on the neck of the demon/fire hydrant, looks down at the sidewalk before its shoots straight off along the horizon, and then off of the screen. Following is a preview: The preview above is not really sufficient to see what I just described; you must download the enlarged original from MediaFire at: Later in the video, the demon's head is replaced by another one made of car tail lights, and, this time, looks down on the sidewalk on the other side.

VIDEO | Spectre of Death Guards Entrance to Scratchen's Apartment

During the most recent Anger Management Ritual, the demon-led campaign of harassment and terror perpetrated by human collaborators—albeit with demonic leadership and assistance—a spot-check on Scratchen's welfare, which is constantly threatened by the Voices Demons, revealed a large Spectre of Death-like demon guarding the entrance to the apartment building she lives in right now: A Spectre of Death-like demon guards the entrance to the apartment building in which Scratchen  lives In the video, it slowly fades into view as the car pulls up to the entrance: While most people would probably stay in the car, all I can say is that Scratchen is my baby girl: The actual Spectre of Death can be seen in several video on this blog, with the greatest similarity between this newly recorded demon and said Spectre: Spectre of Death, Camouflaged , in which it is half-cloaked and blended with shadow and light (and window furnishings) at my old apartment on 471 Julian Street i

VIDEO | Demons create animated tree monster on video

More tree art, but this time you have to watch the stills in which it can be seen one-after-the-other (i.e., cartoon flip book style) to see a demon-borne tree monster leap from the side of the video and grab at my USB cable, which was connected to my phone, and hanging in front of the camera lens: While not perfect (after all, these are done on-the-fly), the tree clearly forms the profile of some sort of USB-cable grabbing monster This is not the first time a demon or something-or-other was caught on video grabbing my USB cable; the same miniature hobgoblin demon shown in  VIDEO TIMELINE | Miniature Demon Pulls and Shakes Pillow  briefly pulls on it in  VIDEO | Hobgoblin Demon who shook pillow shakes cord , as well.

VIDEOS/PHOTOS | Demons sculpt tree into skull, use street lamps for eyes

During the latest "Anger Management Ritual," I found myself face-to-face with a tree sculpted by demons to look like a skull, which I did not even notice until I began recording scenes from the area I was standing in with my video camera filter set to sepia color mode: Tree sculpted by demons into a skull (sepia color mode) As it turns out, the demon-highlighting sepia color mode filter was not needed, nor was the usual requirement of camera-waving and still-frame culling, as was necessary in  PHOTOS | Tree-shaping trend grows more sophisticated . You can see the skull in full color while keeping the camera motionless (and with the naked eye): Tree sculpted by demons into a skull (full color mode) Here is the video in which I first noticed the skull: And, for authenticity verification purposes, here is a full color version:

PLACES | Houses I lived in and sustained recurring demonic attacks

Is it a numbers game with demons or what? 1471, 1741, 471 are all San Jose house numbers I've been attacked at. These are some of the places in which demonic attacks occurred (or still occur) on a regular basis: 4326 East Stop 11 Road, Indianapolis, Indiana (my childhood home in Indianapolis now demolished, from ages 5 through 8 - 1977-1980): View Larger Map 1220 Tasman Drive SPC 379, Sunnyvale, California (at age 32, in the home I owned in Sunnyvale - 2006): View Larger Map 622 Berryessa Road, San Jose, California: (at Heaven's Gate SLE on Berryessa Road in 2006): View Larger Map 1471 McDaniel Avenue, San Jose, California: at the Rose Garden in San Jose (2006-2007): View Larger Map 3658 De La Cruz Boulevard, Santa Clara, California (2007-2008): View Larger Map 1741 DeMarietta Avenue, San Jose, California (back in San Jose, to an apartment building full of human collaborators - 2007 -2008): View Larger Map 1211 East Santa Clara Avenue #4, San Jose, Califor

VIDEO | Spiked instrument used repeatedly on my neck and back to inflict pain

By mere coincidence, my laptop video camera got a fairly clear shot of a spiked instrument of torture used by the Voices Demons to inflict sharp and sudden pain in my neck and shoulders, which was used repeatedly on me yesterday, day two of the around-the-clock Anger Management Ritual: A spiked instrument lashes out to cause pain and injury to areas of my neck and shoulders, caught on video The speed at which it is moved is usually much too fast to capture on video, which is evident by the fact that there is only one still frame with a clear shot: The torture device moves too fast for a good look on video It is also likely to be cloaked, which means that it can only be seen on video if the camera and the instrument are in opposing motions. This is the only way that hobgoblin demons are detected on video, as described in What does a hobgoblin demon look like . Where did it come from? Demons of the elongated, sucker-demon type simply transport to whatever location you are via

VIDEO | De-cloaked sucker demon on trapezius

During yesterday's two-day long "Anger Management Ritual," the Voices Demons sent hordes of sucker demons (the dust-broom/mophead variety), purportedly, to atrophy muscles in my neck, shoulders, arms and buttocks and legs, as has happened without explanation. These sucker demons are generally cloaked and, therefore, cannot be recorded on video, although I do have one video showing the faint outline of a cloaked sucker demon sliding down the back of my neck , as well as one traveling underneath my skin and in my eye sockets . Poor camera equipment further complicates the task of acquiring good images. Even still, I was able to catch one traveling down my neck and onto my trapezius while under my shirt yesterday, mainly, because this particular sucker demon was uncloaked at the time, which means that the interference that emits from their cloak, which distorts images made by digital cameras, was not present; moreover, there was plenty of light, whereas I usually encount