Oops, I did it again; I opened certain kinds of doors, which people and things with evil agendas and insatiable lusts for blood have made prodigious use of in the past—albeit unwillingly, even though expectedly, I do confess: Believe it or not, going forward, I own the problem you see in those images, which were made by Haarp Ti, the woman mentioned in Demon people fail at attempt to use powers on their own , and which describes specifically how I own the problem (and how I own a couple of other things, too). Here's what's going on in her post to Google+ : When demons attack during periods of high demonic activity, she takes photos of them, but that with far less success than me. That's due to the complexity involved in acquiring a decent photo of a demon—you have to be around a lot of them, and at the very core of their activity to get the once-in-a-lifetime, one-and-only shots that I do (that is, if you're not a friend to them, I should point out). On top of...
My inevitable demise, daily.