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Showing posts from September 6, 2015

AIDS | Appointment with Dr. Crapo's replacement

As of September 10th, 2015, 10:14 AM PST, I'm still typing this one up; so, get out (unless you've been explicitly invited to read it). You can, however, read all about Dr. Crapo , the subject of this and other posts. In addition to updating readers on the most popular series of posts to this blog of all time, this post also attempts to establish the connection between VMC doctors' refusal to follow the common and general medicinal practices and procedures for treating chronic and incurable hypogonadism and demons' aloud-where-everybody-could-hear-it, street-corner, rooftop, years-long proclamation and declaration of their intent to emasculate me. I've angled in that direction a time or two in the past [ see Blood test confirms suspicions VMC/doctor-demon connection ], but I think this post does this better in these three ways: Physician misconduct. Points out the odd-but-strangely-coincidental-to-the-demonic-agenda behavior by VMC doctors; Documentation and

BIBLE | The Study Notes of a Demoniac [2 Timothy 2:10]

Before any of you start getting a little heify over that last post—the one where I clearly erred in moral judgment, even though I still intend to go through with it, if I can—take a look at my latest Bible study note on what you're supposed to be doing with that clean conscience of yours that you're just dying to wave in my face... Most people's primary reason for keeping their hands clean (abstaining from sin)—and, therefore, possessing a clear conscience before God—is to preserve their own lives; but, that's not the right motive, even if it is the right means: Therefore I [am ready to] persevere and stand my ground with patience and endure everything for the sake of the elect [God's chosen], so that they too may obtain [the] salvation which is in Christ Jesus, with [the reward of] eternal glory. —  2 Timothy 2:10 AMP Seeking life through righteousness is for the explicit and sole purpose to serve the lives of other saints, who are an early dispensation o

The Bloodline of a Demoniac

Demon-fighting is in my genes, I think, and here's why: I thrive on it, even when it demands all my days and nights, all my relationships, all my skills, and all my resources above working, eating, sleeping and...well, breathing; Of all the powers there are to have, mine is the only one out there that actually repels all varieties of demons [ see VIDEO | Demon-exorcising power (finally) caught on camera ; see also   VIDEO | "Zap" emits EMF radiation visible to digital camera ]; and, My innate, unfathomable, unwavering, all-encompassing, dominating, overwhelming and steadfast devotion to the greatest demon-fighter of all-time, namely, Jesus of Nazareth (aka the Son of God), is actually strengthened by the fight, and is never diminished by it, suggesting a soul connection, if not a genetic one. Okay, that last one was way gratuitous, and the first one has nothing to do with genetics; but, the second, I'm not so sure it doesn't. Either way, to determine