New to DemonNet? Read about in TECH | "Demon net" iPhone app prototype and PREVIEW | DemonNet for iOS Developers . The first build of the DemonNet DAQ Client App for iPhone is now available for beta-testing: The first beta build to be tested is actually 1.4 Apple approved the DemonNet DAQ Client for distribution to either beta testers (or even the App Store) Use the TestFlight app to install the app after you receive an invitation to be a beta tester If you own an iPhone and want to participate in the beta testing program, e-mail me at . Once you receive an invitation, download the TestFlight app from the App Store to install the software: Version 1 (1.4) is the latest test build, and can be installed with the TestFlight app Since the client app is relatively solid—much effort went into getting it right the first time—I'm not going to hold out for too long before posting it to the App Store. If you're interested, the best ...
My inevitable demise, daily.