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Showing posts from June 24, 2018

Camouflaging and cloaking, combined

A still frame from a video made during period of high demonic activity several months ago, showing at least demons in possession of a clutter of objects on my desk Another still frame captured just a few days ago, which shows the same demon trio (plus more), this time in possession of a clothes iron Without cropping or positioning, the curves in both images matched precisely when overlapped, as did the borders of the frame; these demons accomplished that in 1/3 of a second–while the camera was moving One of the very first posts to this blog (about seven years ago) featured an image showing the most artistic death threat ever made . The threat was from the  Spectre of Death  (no less), and was made out of a set of empty plastic closet hangers. Apparently, while I was slept, he crept into the apartment–or, should I say, flew into my apartment —and skillfully arranged the hangers to form the near-perfect likeness of his skull-like face. It was an illusion made out of the shadows

Using insignia to identify demon hordes

If the shoe fits , you could say. To the layperson, many varieties of demonic species don't look cognizable as such. Take, for instance, the demon shown in these two images: A demon, captured in a still frame taken from a video made during a period of high demonic activity, specifically, during an attack by same and others The same demon, captured approximately 1/3 of a second prior to the still frame shown left, most likely still in the process of possession, having yet to settle into final form That's why demonic insignia is so important to find; by matching insignia to the markings on any object suspected of demon possession (here, it is an iron), demons that stray far from the more recognizable humanoid from can't hide as easy: The demonic insignia given me by a demon-allied human, as more fully explained in Demonic insignia, authenticity confirmed In spite of having yet to possess the iron completely, as made evident by the differences shown by the still