I was a live guest on a paranormal Internet Radio show last night. You should listen to the rebroadcast (it starts about 4 minutes into the recording): http://www.blogtalkradio.com/withinthechaos/2017/02/03/within-the-chaos-special-guest-james-bush Following are answers to the questions Rodney Shortridge, co-host of BlogTalk's Within the Chaos Radio Broadcast intended to pose for my guest appearance last night; transcripts of the interview are forthcoming: Click to add this radio show your calendar Tell us a little about yourself? Could you refer people to LinkedIn profile for my career and educational background? Otherwise, the blog does that. There is no little about myself in a problem for this magnitude. That is the purpose of the blog; to introduce not only the problem, but to give readers insight to who is at the crux of it. Where do demons come from? All over; but, they are native to whateve...
My inevitable demise, daily.