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Showing posts from October 5, 2014

The Life of a Demoniac: Selected Posts (Preview) now available on iTunes/iBooks Stores

I am in the process of publishing selected posts to ePub format for all the reasons why an iBook is better than a blog; specifically, video playback quality: The blog is written around videos (and photos, I guess)—the writing itself being secondary—but, due to their large size and the inability to force HD quality playback, much of the significance of each piece of media is lost. Most people aren't watching the videos because they are too large, or are watching them at low-quality playback rates, thereby missing the good stuff. Hence, the iBook, a preview of which is now available for download on iTunes : The book is also available from iBooks Store: The dedication reads: I dedicate this publication to God, and, of course, Jesus Christ.   To God, for answering my oft-repeated prayer: “Please help me take a bite out of evil today.” [ Psalm 140 ] He answered that prayer every time I prayed it; the number of posts and the date they were published coincide with how o

VIDEO | Demon-exorcising power (finally) caught on camera

I call it a zap , while the Voices Demons call it flicking a booger ; but, no matter what it's actually called, it amounts to this: a tiny ball of glowing energy, shot from my own hand, which, on impact with its target, bursts into a tiny, whitish-yellow micro-dot of an explosion about the size of a pencil lead; and, the result: on a demon-possessed person, a very angry, (sometimes) dispossessed demon. In fact, a demon so accosted will literally leap out of the person and head directly for me, but that's another story for another post. NOTE | A zap from my fingers is not to be confused with what I long ago called a zap from a demon's fingers in  SCIENCE | Why some demons wear clothes; why others go naked . This post focuses solely on what the finger flick and the resultant glowing dot look like using a video made just an hour ago. The following images show you where to look for the dot (click to enlarge). In the first column is the frame right before the finger flick; t