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Showing posts from March 17, 2013

#543 - How (not) to draw demons

This post is meant to be a guide to drawing better illustrations of demons, and is not in any way, shape or form meant to be a criticism of any soul brave enough to draw that which does not want to be drawn—and has the power to make that point to any human, fatally. Artists, both aspiring professional and terrified amateur alike, seem to struggle a bit with illustrating demons they either meet in person or see in photos—regardless of how poignant the impression left by their encounter or how clear a given photo may be. The most accurate illustration I've seen since readers started submitting drawings of the demons they see in my photos and the ones they meet at home is The Pillow Demon , by aspiring artist Daniel Cabbage: A sketch of the pillow demon shown in VIDEO/PHOTOS | The Pillow Demons  (by aspiring artist Daniel Cabbage ) His depiction of the pillow demon is close to the real thing, and way better than I (or anyone I know) could do; but, it misses the mark, in that

#542 - PHOTOS | Demon-possessed often victims of amputation

The demon-possessed, even those who are given weapons such as a spike-fingered hand to pierce people's brains and vital organs with, are nearly always unwitting victims of amputation, as is shown in this still frame: The lower left of this demon-possessed human-collaborator was amputated and replaced in "real-time," the demonic term for the state in which time flows extremely fast in the space around them in comparison to the flow of time outside of that space; it looks sort of like bad special effects on a digital camera, but it is nonetheless what is happening Actually, whether the willingly and cooperatively demon-possessed are truly unaware of what is being done to them probably varies. The man shown having his face replaced in  PHOTO | Camera in motion reveals demon-possessed (or surgically assaulted) guest  was made aware of the fact afterwards, and was shown the images of his face being mangled by demons; nevertheless, he has made no mention of it since, and,

#541 - The little church that could

I want one of my last acts on Earth to be pleasing to God, something I've been thinking about since my last battle with demons, which has left me in extreme pain and barely able to function [see  PHOTOS | People—not just demons—taking part in repeated spikes to the brain, head, neck and vital organs ]. Helping a church stand up to the gates of Hell is what I've decided on. Before my grandmother was killed by demons and replaced by the unfeeling, heartless mocker you hear and read about in  CRIME | Bogus attorney freezes mother's, crippled 8-year-old nephew's bank accounts , she left me with the best advice anyone could give another person in a problem like mine and like the entire Bay Area of Northern California's: Go to church. It sounds like a simple thing to say to someone engaged in battle with the Army of Darkness; after all, how is that going to stop the Spectre of Death from killing me? He can pierce his bony claws right through that Bible I'm ho

#540 - CRIME | Another threat by e-mail

Yesterday, I received yet another death threat by e-mail, which usually follow any breakthrough discovery or manuever against the demons I now fight:  A couple of days before that, I received another e-mail almost as bad, which is provided and explained in E-mail reveals others' knowledge of demonic agenda ; other death threats can be seen in  Fourth death threat contains another gory photo .

#539 - SCIENCE | Sucker demons, humans must facilitate demonic possession cooperatively, in tandem

The connection between the sucker demons and a demon's ability to maintain possession of a human was first established in Sucker demons connect demons to humans for possession , when it was discovered that sucker demons abrogate the disparity between the physical and the demonic, two forms of matter that cannot otherwise interact constructively without them. As is more fully explained in that post, sucker demons can hold on to something physical with one end of their thread-like bodies while holding onto something demonic with the other. In other words, they tether a demon to a human. They also insulate a human from the biologically devastating effects that stem from direct contact with a demon, the same effects by which demons now use as a weapon against their victims, and which feel like a mixture of extreme heat and electrical shock. Finally, sucker demons provide a gateway for impulses from the demon nervous system to that of the human's while regulating that flow and

#538 - CRIME | Fake attorney: fraudulent court papers filed in hijacked lawsuit

This morning, I received an e-mail from Gil Kreiter, the man against whom a criminal complaint was filed with the (worthless) Manhattan D.A.'s office for practicing law without a license [see CRIME | Supreme Court refers bogus attorney complaint to NY D.A.'s office ]. Apparently, he thinks is litigating a collections suit that was abandoned in 2011. Nevertheless, what he had to say overrode those concerns: The court docket attached to this e-mail seems to confirm that a satisfaction of judgment was not only filed, but granted: Notice of Satisfaction of Judgment [Bush v. Bickel] What's odd here is that only the plaintiff can file this paperwork, and I didn't; I'm assuming Mr. Kreiter didn't either based on his question to me in his e-mail ( above ). The first question is, then, who on behalf of the defendant filed fraudulent court paperwork? The second, why was it granted, especially since it is a suit for the enforcement of a foreign judgment, which

#537 - E-mail reveals others' knowledge of demonic agenda

I've written several times in this blog that it is widely known in the Bay Area of Northern California how the demons I face operate; so, it doesn't surprise me when a citizen of San Jose (or wherever) makes a comment or two that implies knowledge I didn't impart to him or any other human. But, the truth is, they only think they know my demons, in that they only know what they were told and see, and that turns out to be not that much. It's those things which they have heard and seen that they have come to terms with; it is the things they haven't that they struggle with. Those things would be a lot of what I show (and not just talk about) on this blog, e.g, torture and the like. Apparently, many people felt empowered by their association with powerful demons, and incorporated their relationship with such into their identities, letting friends and family know just how important they had become. Insodoing, they placed their reputation at stake. NOTE |  My demons

#536 - VIDEO | Door hinge morphed into skull by demon

While carrying my video camera past my bathroom door, a demon morphed a door hinge into the likeness of a skull, knowing that I would see it later. It looks very realistic in the video, even though a little bit less so in this still frame taken from it: The skull is more identifiable as such when in motion (i.e., in the video); but, this still frame shows you where to look (for best viewing results, increase the brightness of your display to its highest setting) The morph effect appears to work only when the still frames showing it are played in rapid sequence: This is the second time a part of a home furnishing has been morphed by a demon. In Childhood demon behind most recent attacks , a demon morphed a drawer handheld into the likeness of the face of a childhood demon; that post shows all of the videos and photos I've made of a particular demon that has been an aggressor since the age of 5. Why do demons do this? Besides the obvious answer, to express anger and gener

#535 - PHOTOS | Bob Marley flag possessed by demons

Just as the sailboats on one man's shirt were changed into the skeletal faces of the demons possessing it [see LINK], Bob Marley was also changed by the demon possessing it. The demon was discovered by passing a video camera in front of a flag bearing Bob Marley's image, and then looking through all the frames in which the flag is blurred by the motion of the camera. Nearly every such frame showed some portion of a demon, none of which looked anything like Bob Marley. For example: Bob Marley's shirt was transformed into this demon's face... ...while Bob Marley himself transformed into this imp demon Without waving the camera at all, the flag looks like this: The original Bob Marley It's rare that demons will transform a drawing into themselves; mostly, they recreate their likeness with objects. NOTE | That is called blending on this site [ glossary blending ].

#534 - PHOTOS | People—not just demons—taking part in repeated spikes to the brain, head, neck and vital organs

With an exception for a few, I've always thought Hell was a little harsh for most people. Nowadays, not so much. That's because I'm getting stabbed a lot these days, specifically, from the neck up. So much, in fact, that I've developed serious medical problems. In one video, I counted four stabs in less than one second; and, when I say stabs, I don't mean pokes. Rather, I mean stabs all the way through the skull and the brain, as shown in the following still frame: A spike-fingered demon pierces through my skull and brain with semi-cloaked long, thin metal needles Pulling on a demon tendril, which pierced my neck This is not new; it's just different. Even still, it is a lot like the repeated piercing of my neck by demon tendrils that preceded the needle stabbings [ see  PHOTOS | Sucker demon pierces my neck with tendrils ]. As a consequence of nearly two years of this, I was diagnosed with a neck degenerative disorder. Demon tendrils and sucker demons