For the past three years, this blog has provided cutting-edge tips and techniques for processing digital media showing demonic activity with Photoshop , After Effects, GIMP and the like, that you won't learn anywhere else. It has pushed the envelope of forensic and scientific imaging, allowing nearly two million readers to discover and uncover and explore a hidden world they never knew (or would have ever known) existed. Unedited still frame, blurred by a moving camera and fast-walking subject (me), suggests the presence of another face GIMP-enhanced still frame ( right) , revealing possession of my body by someone or something other than myself It has produced one-of-a-kind images showing never-seen-before demonic activity from nothing less than the darkest and blurriest of videos and photos, from its collection of the world's first clear images of demons possessing humans to those making visible for the first time in history otherwise invisible demons . From the ac...
My inevitable demise, daily.