The two composites produced by the new video filter released yesterday have been separated into individual Photo Booth effects, enabling anyone with an iSight-equipped Mac (and, soon, iPhone) to see and record video, live, cloaked demonic entities. Perfect realism, pristine detail The Chroma Focus Photo Booth effect decloaks invisible entities while maintaining the realism of a normal image, as shown in these samples: My head and face, mottled by around-the-clock strikes with demonic weapons at the hands of demons and their people (humans); a red, sponge-like demonic entity, sitting atop my scalp; craters left by sucker demons, having repeatedly burrowed into and out from my skin; a spider-/crab-legged demonic entity, attached to the side of my head, looks like a kid's drawing of the sun The effect amplifies a specific kind of color noise in digital images that is only generated by the demon cloak. Because light is emanated (not reflected) from a cloak (i....
My inevitable demise, daily.