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Showing posts from February 15, 2015

SOFTWARE | Chroma-focusing and chroma-mapping Photo Booth effects released

The two composites produced by the new video filter released yesterday have been separated into individual Photo Booth effects, enabling anyone with an iSight-equipped Mac (and, soon, iPhone) to see and record video, live, cloaked demonic entities. Perfect realism, pristine detail The Chroma Focus Photo Booth effect  decloaks invisible entities while maintaining the realism of a normal image, as shown in these samples: My head and face, mottled by around-the-clock strikes with demonic weapons at the hands of demons and their people (humans); a red, sponge-like demonic entity, sitting atop my scalp; craters left by sucker demons, having repeatedly burrowed into and out from my skin; a spider-/crab-legged demonic entity, attached to the side of my head, looks like a kid's drawing of the sun The effect amplifies a specific kind of color noise in digital images that is only generated by the demon cloak. Because light is emanated (not reflected) from a cloak (i.e., it giv

SOFTWARE | Real-time, configurable chroma video filter

A new image-processing filter is available for download  that allows you to focus on demonic activity occurring in the chroma (or color noise) and map it with near-perfect clarity in digital media made during periods of high demonic activity .  This filter is far more advanced than past versions, in that it is configurable in real-time; any changes you make to filter settings are automatically applied to the filtered media, even if that media is a video that is playing at the time. The chroma-focus ( middle ) and chroma-map ( right ) versions of the original ( left ) are automatically updated as filter settings are configured The configuration options allow you to focus on the chroma, which is where cloaked demonic activity is detected. By adjusting a single slider, you can amplify and sharpen the chroma, the results of which are superimposed over the original as a side-by-side: Find every sucker demon and similar entity swarming on your face (or wherever) with the focus sl

TECHNOLOGY | Finding sucker-demon attacks in digital media

If any progress is made on anything you're doing, you will pay with your life; if any progress is made on any of your issues (home, finances, career, etc.), we will make your family suffer. —Voices Demons, to me, on February 16th, 2015 Voices Demons' suffering involves, in part, a swarm of sucker demon-variety entities, seen here coating their victim, head-to-toe Another still frame from the same video, showing more of the man's inner demon, probably due to the stress from the attack (which tends to make inner demons visible) What's that on your face? That would be my first question to anyone I saw suffering in the manner shown by the following still frame; but, then again, most people know, don't they? If you take just one still frame from a digital video made during a period of high demonic activity, process it according to the procedures in this post, you'll never see the world the same as you did before. And, that's not just true for a d